The Fifth Annual Regional Workshop in the Mathematical Sciences

As the contents of this page are of a past conference, no attempt to update the page has been made in order to preserve the historical context.

Schedule for Saturday, October 26, 2002

8:15 - 9:00 Breakfast, Burnett Hall

Plenary talks are in the Room 115, Burnett Hall.

9:00--9:45 Statistics Kent Eskridge
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Compartment models: methods and applications
9:55--10:40 Analysis George Avalos
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Some remarks on mathematical control theory

10:40 - 11:00 Break, Burnett Hall


Algebraic and Combinatorial Structures
Organizer: Brian Harbourne
Burnett 118 Jorge Alberto Calvo
Knots and sticks
Colleen Duffy
Mathematical Logic
Steve Haataja
Smaller Symmetries
Organizer: Allan Donsig
Burnett 119 Randy Crist
Von Neumann and the quantization of space
Allan Donsig
Rings of Operators
Lance Nielsen
An Increasing Function whose Derivative Equals Zero
Applied Mathematics
Organizer: David Logan
Burnett 121 Richard Avery
p-Laplacian Boundary Value Problems
Bo Deng
Dynamics on neurons and applications
Steve Dunbar
Traveling waves in a diffusion-competition equation modeling contact inhibition
Computer Science
Organizer: Vinodchandran Variyam
Burnett 120 Witawas Srisa-an
Future Directions for Dynamic Memory Management Research
Qingping Tao
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods in Machine Learning
Organizer: Kent Eskridge
Burnett 103 Brian J. Fergen
Statistics in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Dwight Galster
Statistics in Medicare Fraud and Abuse Investigation
Algebraic and Combinatorial Structures
Organizer: Brian Harbourne
Burnett 118 Ryan Karr
Pell's equation over function fields
Matt Koetz
A Construction of Low Density Parity Check Codes Based on Finite Geometries
Organizer: Allan Donsig
Burnett 119 Lisa Rezac
An Introduction to Measure Theory with a Special Application - What was Feynman Conjecturing
Taixi Xu
The Reduction of Infinite Dimensional Systems
Applied Mathematics
Organizer: David Logan
Burnett 121 David Logan
The effects of global warming on spider-grasshopper interactions
Bill Wolesensky
Mathematical model of digestion
Computer Science
Organizer: Vinodchandran Variyam
Burnett 120 Jun Wang
High Performance File and Storage Systems
Wang Yao
Traffic Grooming in WDM Optical Networks
Organizer: Kent Eskridge
Burnett 103 Kenneth Hartmann
Multivariate Statistical Methods In Marketing
Gleb Haynatzki
The Statistician at a Medical School

1:20 -- Lunch, Burnett Hall