Career Information

What can you do with a degree in mathematics?

Gail McGovern got her B.S. in Theoretical Mathematics at Johns Hopkins University and then an M.B.A. from Columbia University. Starting as a Programmer at AT&T, she worked her way up to Executive Vice President. Now, she's a top officer at Fidelity Investments.

Patricia Wirth earned her undergraduate degree from our department and then went on to obtain her Ph.D. in Systems Science from Washington University. She's now a Senior Fellow at AT&T and Director of their Teletraffic and Performance Analysis Division.

Our recent B.S. recipients are pursuing promising careers. Two perform operations research at a pharmaceutical marketing analysis firm. Many work in software development and testing. One even heads a software quality team at Microsoft Access. Some other common first positions for our undergradutes include actuaries, statisticians and teachers. Many of our undergraduates go on to some of the nation's most prestigious graduate schools in mathematics, statistics, operations research, medicine and other fields. Our Ph.D. recipients have been remarkably successful as well; two recent graduates have received very prestigous postdoctoral fellowships from the National Science Foundation.

Career Links

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Mathematics Job Opportunities

Statistics Job Opportunities