This list of past events was last updated in 2016.
These pages were created at the time of our Centennial Celebration in 1999. Many have not been updated since then.
- Re-Dedication of Avery Hall September 30, 2004
- General History of the Department
- The Lecture-Recitation Class Procedure
- The Statistics Program
- Computer Center, Computer Science, Math Lab and Computing
- Curriculum Reform at UNL
- The Actuarial Science Program
- Research and the Graduate Program, 1945-present
- Library Facilities
- Duplicating Facilities
- Grant Writing, CCIS and DEM
- Tenure, Promotion and Teaching Evaluation
- National and State Educational Outreach
- Howard Rowlee Lectures
- Conferences (with available links)
- Profile of Albert Luther Candy
- Profile of Sylvia Wiegand
- Ph.D. Alumni
- Faculty since 1871
- Chairs and Vice-Chairs
- People in the Department now