
When and Where

3:30 p.m.: Refreshments in Avery Hall 348
4:00-4:50 p.m.: Talks in Avery Hall 115

Check the departmental event calendar for upcoming talks.

Colloquia on the Event Calendar

Open dates

Spring 2025

14, 28*11


* Spring break is March 17-21, and the Rowlee Lecture is March 28.
** May 9 is the last day of classes.


Email Jack Jeffries (

  • As soon as possible: visitor name, colloquium date requested, organizational affiliation, professional title, acknowledgments needed in advertising (e.g. NSF support), any special needs for the talk
  • At least 2 weeks before the talk: colloquium title and abstract (in plain text (ASCII), preferably without TeX or LaTeX)


Write to Jack Jeffries to reserve a colloquium slot for a visitor, a local colleague, or yourself. We encourage creative ideas for talks in the colloquium, and Jack is happy to discuss out-of-the-box ideas for colloquia. In general, time slots are first come first served, but we recommend that local speakers should defer to visitors. Please communicate our guidance and expectations to any colloquium speakers you host.

Guidance and Expectations

Each colloquium should be 50 minutes long. Colloquium talks should be addressed to a general audience, and not specialized like a seminar talk. Our colloquium is attended by faculty and graduate students in a range of disciplines, including many of our early graduate students, and even undergraduates on occasion. Overly technical and specialized talks are valuable to only a small fraction of the audience, and depress future colloquium attendance.

Attending Remotely

If you are working remotely (for health-related reasons) and would like to attend the colloquium, please contact Jack Jeffries for Zoom information.


The department may have funds available to help defray costs of speakers. Use of other funding sources (e.g. grants, Research Council, etc) before requesting departmental support is strongly encouraged. Contact Petronela Radu.