2023 | Jim Lewis | Friend of Science Award |
2022 | Allan Donsig | Hazel R. McClymont Distinguished Teaching Fellow Award |
| Judy Walker | Fellow of the AAAS |
| Huijing Du | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
| Eloísa Grifo | Roger Wiegand Prize for contributions to our graduate students (awardee selected by our graduate students) |
| Mark Walker | College Outstanding Research and Creativity Award |
2021 | Brian Harbourne | Fellow of the American Mathematical Society |
| Christine Kelley | Roger Wiegand Prize for contributions to our graduate students (awardee selected by our graduate students) |
| Nathan Wakefield | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
| Alex Zupan | Faculty Fellows for Student Success |
2020 | Brian Harbourne | Willa Cather Professor of Mathematics |
| Yvonne Lai | Milton E. Mohr Distinguished Associate Professor of Mathematics |
| David Pitts | Roger Wiegand Prize for contributions to our graduate students (awardee selected by our graduate students) |
| Richard Rebarber | Milton E. Mohr Distinguished Professor of Mathematics |
| Alexandra Seceleanu | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
| Mark Walker | Fellow of the American Mathematical Society |
| Alex Zupan | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
| George Avalos | Milton Mohr Distinguished Professor of Mathematics |
2019 | Allan Donsig | Faculty Fellow for Student Success |
| Susan Hermiller | Fellow of the American Mathematical Society |
| Petronela Radu | Beta Theta Pi Outstanding Educator of the Year |
| Alex Zupan | Roger Wiegand Prize for contributions to our graduate students (awardee selected by our graduate students) |
2018 | Yvonne Lai | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
| Jim Lewis | Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science |
| Alexandra Seceleanu | Harold and Esther Edgerton Junior Faculty Award |
| Alexandra Seceleanu | Roger Wiegand Prize for contributions to our graduate students (awardee selected by our graduate students) |
| Judy Walker | Fellow of the Association for Women in Mathematics |
| Judy Walker | Trustee of the American Mathematical Society (2018-2023) |
2017 | Susan Hermiller | Willa Cather Professor of Mathematics |
| Petronela Radu | Olson Professorship |
| Daniel Toundykov | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
| Nathan Wakefield | Roger Wiegand Prize for contributions to our graduate students (awardee selected by our graduate students) |
| Sylvia Wiegand | Fellow of the Association for Women in Mathematics |
2016 | Judy Walker | Association for Women in Mathematics Louise Hay Award |
| Yvonne Lai | Harold and Esther Edgerton Junior Faculty Award |
| Allan Peterson | Roger Wiegand Prize for contributions to our graduate students (awardee selected by our graduate students) |
2015 | Allan Donsig | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
| Jim Lewis | AMS Award for Impact on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics |
| Jim Lewis | MAA Gung and Hu Award for Distinguished Service to Mathematics |
| Petronela Radu | Roger Wiegand Prize for contributions to our graduate students (awardee selected by our graduate students) |
2014 | Petronela Radu | College Hazel R. McClymont Award |
| Mark Walker | Willa Cather Professor of Mathematics |
| Mark Brittenham | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
| Petronela Radu | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
| Judy Walker | University of Nebraska System's Outstanding Teaching and Instructional Creativity Award |
| Allan Donsig | Roger Wiegand Prize for contributions to our graduate students (awardee selected by our graduate students) |
2013 | Yvonne Lai | Research Development Fellow |
| Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics | American Mathematical Society "Programs that Make a Difference" Award |
| John Meakin | Fulbright Scholar |
| Stephen Hartke | Fulbright Scholar |
| John Meakin | Fellow of the American Mathematical Society |
| Srikanth Iyengar | Fellow of the American Mathematical Society |
| Judy Walker | Roger Wiegand Prize for contributions to our graduate students (awardee selected by our graduate students) |
2012 | Srikanth Iyengar | Simons Fellow |
| Carina Curto | Woodrow Wilson Career Enhancement Fellow |
| Petronela Radu | Fulbright Scholar |
| Srikanth Iyengar | Willa Cather Professor of Mathematics |
| Judy Walker | Aaron Douglas Professor of Mathematics |
| Christine Kelley | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
| Luchezar Avramov | Fellow of the American Mathematical Society |
| Jim Lewis | Fellow of the American Mathematical Society |
| David Manderscheid | Fellow of the American Mathematical Society |
| Judy Walker | Fellow of the American Mathematical Society |
| Roger Wiegand | Fellow of the American Mathematical Society |
| Sylvia Wiegand | Fellow of the American Mathematical Society |
| Carina Curto | College of Arts and Sciences Academic Star |
| Yu Jin | Research Development Fellow |
| The Department | Chancellor's STEM Award |
| Brian Harbourne | Hazel R. McClymont Distinguished Teaching Fellow |
| Daniel Toundykov | Harold and Esther Edgerton Assistant Professor |
| Richard Rebarber | Roger Wiegand Prize for contributions to our graduate students (awardee selected by our graduate students) |
2011 | Carina Curto | Alfred P Sloan Research Fellow |
| Jim Lewis | College of Arts and Sciences Academic Star |
| Roger Wiegand | Roger Wiegand Prize for contributions to our graduate students (awardee selected by our graduate students) |
2010 | Jim Lewis | 2010 Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching Nebraska Professor of the Year |
| Stephen Hartke | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
| Christine Kelley | Harold and Esther Edgerton Assistant Professor |
| Mikil Foss | Roger Wiegand Prize for contributions to our graduate students (awardee selected by our graduate students) |
2009 | The Department | American Math Society 2009 Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department |
| John Orr | Roger Wiegand Prize for contributions to our graduate students (awardee selected by our graduate students) |
| Mikil Foss | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
| Srikanth Iyengar | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
| Jim Lewis | George Howard-Louise Pound Distinguished Career Award for exceptional contributions through teaching |
| Jim Lewis | Aaron Douglas Professorship of Teaching Excellence for demonstrating sustained and extraordinary levels of teaching excellence and national visibility for instructional activities and/or practice |
2008 | Jamie Radcliffe | Roger Wiegand Prize for contributions to our graduate students (awardee selected by our graduate students) |
2007 | Susan Hermiller | Roger Wiegand Prize for contributions to our graduate students (awardee selected by our graduate students) |
| Srikanth Iyengar | Friedrich Wilhelm Bassel Research Prize (awarded by the Humboldt Foundation) |
2006 | David Pitts | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
| Srikanth Iyengar | Roger Wiegand Prize for contributions to our graduate students (awardee selected by our graduate students) |
| Judy Walker | MAA Haimo Award for Excellence in Teaching |
| Jim Campbell, Steve Cohn, Irakli Loladze, Tom Marley and Allan Peterson | 2006 Contributions to Students Awards |
| Tom Marley | Nebraska-SE South Dakota section MAA award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics |
| Allan Peterson | Charles Bessey Professor of Mathematics |
2005 | David Logan | Willa Cather Professor of Mathematics |
| David Pitts | Roger Wiegand Prize for contributions to our graduate students (awardee selected by our graduate students) |
2004 | Allan Donsig | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
| Susan Hermiller | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
| Mark Walker | Roger Wiegand Prize for contributions to our graduate students (awardee selected by our graduate students) |
2003 | Jim Lewis | University of Nebraska System's Outstanding Teaching and Instructional Creativity Award |
| Jim Lewis | Election to membership in the UNL Academy of Distinguished Teachers |
| Judy Walker | MAA Section Award for Distinguished Teaching |
| Mohammad Rammaha | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
| Mark Walker | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
2002 | Luchezar Avramov | Dale M. Jensen Chair of Mathematics |
| Roger Wiegand | Willa Cather Professor of Mathematics |
| Gordon Woodward | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
2001 | Allan Peterson | MAA Section Award for Distinguished Teaching |
| Roger Wiegand | Excellence in Graduate Education Award, UNL Graduate College |
| Gordon Woodward | Mortar Board Honorary Member |
2000 | Mel Thornton | Nebraska Association of Teachers of Mathematics Donald W. Miller Distinguished Service Award |
| Sylvia Wiegand | Outstanding Contribution to the Status of Women Award |
| Judy Walker | College Award for Outstanding Teaching |
| Judy Walker | Scholarly Teacher Award |
1999 | Gordon Woodward | Student Foundation/Builders Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Academic Advising |
| Roger Wiegand | Excellence in Graduate Education, UNL Graduate College, Honorable Mention |
| Dan Nettleton | College Award for Outstanding Teaching |
1998 | Partha Lahiri | Member of the International Statistical Institute |
| David Skoug | MAA Sectional Distinguished Teaching Award |
| The Department | University-wide Departmental Teaching Award |
| The Department | The 1998 Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring |
1997 | Steve Dunbar | MAA Sectional Distinguished Teaching Award |
| Steve Dunbar | Honorary member of Golden Key National Honor Society |
| Jim Lewis | Lincoln-Lancaster Women's Commission Erasmus Correll Award |
1996 | Jim Lewis | Outstanding Contribution to the Status of Women Award |
| Jamie Radcliffe | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
| Tom Shores | MAA Sectional Distinguished Teaching Award |
1995 | Dave Skoug | MAA Distinguished Service Award |
| Richard Rebarber | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
| Mel Thornton | Charter Member of Academy of Distinguished Teachers |
1994 | Jim Lewis | MAA Sectional Distinguished Teaching Award |
| Walter Mientka | World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions Paul Erdos Award |
| John Orr | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
| Mel Thornton | Nebraska CASE Professor of the Year |
| Mel Thornton | Outstanding Teacher and Instructional Creativity Award |
1993 | Tom Marley | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
| Walter Mientka | NATM Milton Bechmann Lifetime Achievement Award |
| Mel Thornton | MAA Sectional Distinguished Teaching Award |
1992 | Brian Harbourne | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
1991 | Steve Dunbar | College DIstinguished Teaching Award |
| Jim Lewis | UNL Teachers College Award for Leadership and Service to Education |
| David Logan | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
| Don Miller | NATM Don Miller Distinguished Service Award |
1990 | Jim Lewis | Honorary member of Golden Key National Honor Society |
1989 | Don Miller | University Distinguished Educational Service Award |
1988 | John Meakin | Burlington-Northern Outstanding Teacher-Scholar Award |
| Walter Mientka | MAA Certificate of Merit |
| Don Miller | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
1987 | Lal Saxena | Jacob Wolfowitz Prize for outstanding theoretical advances |
| Mel Thornton | AMACO University Distinguished Teaching Award |
| John Meakin | Milton Mohr Distinguished Professorship |
1985 | Allan Peterson | Centennial 100 Alumni Award - South Dakota School of Mines |
1984 | Spyros Magliveras | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
1983 | Allan Peterson | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
1981 | Tom Shores | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
1980 | Robert Krueger | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
1979 | Jerry Johnson | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
| Jim Lewis | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
1974 | Dave Skoug | Chancellor's Distinguished Teaching Award |
1967 | Lloyd Jackson | Regents Professorship |
| Walter Mientka | College Distinguished Teaching Award |
1964 | Lloyd Jackson | College Distinguished Teaching Award |