Courses for Middle Level Teachers
Math 800T | Math as a Second Language | Introduces an understanding of arithmetic (number), operation and (introductory) algebra as a means of communicating (i.e. as a language) and lays the foundation for developing the habits of mind of a mathematical thinker. |
Math 802T | Functions, Algebra, and Geometry | Deepens teachers’ understanding of the concepts of variable and function, problem solving, measurement (especially length, area, volume), and geometric modeling; with emphasis on the connections between these concepts. NOTE: this course is not open to teachers with secondary certification except in special cases; this course is intended for those with elementary and/or middle level certification. You may not get credit for Math 802T after taking Math 810T or Math 811T. |
Math 804T | Experimentation, Conjecture and Reasoning | Focuses on problem solving, reasoning and proof and communicating mathematics, bringing participants to the next level in the developing mathematical habits of mind. |
Math 808T | Concepts of Calculus | Develops a fundamental understanding of the key mathematical ideas of calculus in order to broaden teachers' mathematical perspective and gain insight into concepts contained in the middle-level curriculum which are related and foundational to the development of calculus. Topics include limits, differentiation, integration, applications and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. |
Courses for Middle Level and High School Teachers
Math 805T | Discrete Mathematics for Teachers | Designed to deepen knowledge of discrete mathematics as it relates to topics covered in middle through high school curricula through hands-on explorations which emphasize problem-solving strategies. |
Math 806T | Number Theory and Cryptology for Teachers | This course focuses on basic number theory results and encryption which are needed to understand the number theoretic RSA cryptography algorithm with emphasis on connections to school mathematics. |
Math 807T | Using Math to Understand Our World | Uses a series of projects to study the mathematics underlying several socially-relevant questions (i.e. real-world problems, such as how to use mathematics to understand the spread of a disease) and the construction of models to describe them. NOTE: Math 807T is not open to teachers who have completed Math 809. |
MATH 807 and 808 | Capstone courses: Mathematics for Teachers I and II | Analysis of the connections between college mathematics and high school algebra, pre-calculus, and geometry. |
Math 803T/893 | Special Topics: Mathematics of Computational Thinking | Math 893: Special Topics: Mathematics of Computational Thinking is intended for an audience of middle-level teachers. The class focuses on using algorithmic processes to break down complex problems and explore ways to quantify decision-making for current, relevant issues such as switching to electric cars or deciding who should receive heart transplants (or other limited medical treatments such as ventilators during COVID-19). Adaptations of the various projects will be developed for use with students. Experience with spreadsheets will be helpful but is not required. |
Math 809T/893 | Special Topics: History of Mathematics | This course will study mathematical topics and their development over time. The purpose is to convey that mathematical concepts, as we know and teach them, did not suddenly spring to life, but are the culmination of smaller discoveries and inventions that sometimes required centuries to assemble. This process of creating and discovering new mathematics happens every day. |
Courses for High School Teachers
Math 810T | Algebra for Algebra Teachers | Helps algebra teachers better understand the conceptual underpinnings of school algebra, and how to leverage that understanding into improved classroom practice. NOTE: If you did not take a modern/abstract algebra course as an undergrad, you may wish to take Math 802T first. |
Math 811T | Functions for High School Teachers | Studies functions in the pre-calculus, high school mathematics curriculum from an advanced viewpoint, investigating their utility in advanced courses, their applications and their connections to calculus. |
Math 812T | Geometry for Geometry Teachers | Strengthens the mathematical background for teaching high school geometry by contrasting the fundamental concepts of Euclidean geometry with non-Euclidean geometry. |
Math 814T | Linear Algebra for Teachers | Concepts of linear algebra form key connections between much of what underlies the H.S. math curriculum and advanced mathematical topics and real-world applications. This course studies the relationships between linear equations, linear transformations and the geometry of lines and planes, along with their behavior and practical applications. |
Math 816T | Math in the City for Teachers | Focuses on modeling and is run in collaboration with local government, businesses, research or administrative centers. This project-oriented course brings together diverse areas of mathematical content. The course is designed for teachers with secondary certification in mathematics. As needed, some topics such as basic statistical analysis, programming in MATLAB, and an introduction to modeling epidemics will be reviewed as part of the course. Teachers who register for the course should expect to communicate regularly with their project groups; it will be most beneficial if this communication takes place synchronously. The course will culminate in a group presentation and a successful participant will be able to approach other real-life problems that involve mathematics with confidence. For summer 20201: This course culminates in a group project about COVID-19 using real data and information from local organizations and experts in epidemiology and virology. The course is designed for teachers with secondary certification in mathematics; knowledge of statistics and experience with coding is highly recommended. The synchronous part of the course will focus on developing/reviewing background information needed to complete the project and will be followed by 3 weeks of group work. Participants should expect to meet synchronously in small groups 4-6 times per week at an agreed upon time until the projects are complete. |
Math 809 | Mathematical Modeling for High School Teaching | Uses a series of projects to study the mathematics underlying several socially relevant questions and the construction of models to describe them. NOTE: Teachers cannot receive credit for both Math 807T and Math 809. |
Math 813T/893 | Special Topics: Using Technology to Aid Mathematical Problem Solving | A series of mathematics problems and strategies that are enhanced by explorations using technology (e.g., Desmos, Geogebra) are addressed. Attention will be paid to how technology can strengthen the teaching of mathematics. Note: Teachers who have already taken TEAC 880E: Teaching Mathematics with Technology, for grades 7-12, cannot take this course for credit toward their degree. |
Math 893 | Special Topics: Secondary-Integrated STEM | This course will engage 6-12 teachers in project-based learning experiences which integrate STEM in intentional and meaningful ways. Teachers also will develop the depth of content knowledge needed to implement various integrated STEM lessons in their own classrooms. In addition, the course will address effective strategies for further integration and implementation of STEM content. Note: Math 893 is a special topics course, and is sometimes offered with completely different content (e.g., in the past, this includes complex analysis for teaching, and differential equations for teaching). Up to three different versions of Math 893 can count toward a master's degree. |
Department of Statistics
Stat 811T | Statistics for Middle Level Teachers | Introduces probability and statistics following and inquiry/discovery design; emphasizes topics that are part of the middle school curriculum and that are used in education and school-based research. NOTE: Teachers cannot receive credit for both Stat 811T and Stat 812T. |
Stat 812T | Statistics for High School Teachers | Studies statistical concepts typically taught in a high school statistics class, including linear regression, two-way tables, sampling distributions, statistical inference for means and proportions, chi-square tests, and inference for regression. NOTE: Teachers cannot receive credit for both Stat 811T and Stat 812T. |
Electives from Other Departments
EDPS 892 | Introduction to Education Assessment | This is a course in the theory and application of educational assessment. Main topics include test design, item writing, reliability, validity, and statistical analysis of test data, with an emphasis on practical applications of assessment in the classroom. An understanding of these topics can help teachers more effectively use assessment information to improve teaching and learning via “data-based decision-making.” |
SOCI 898 | Social Psychological Processes in the STEM Classroom: Activating STEM Identities | This class covers a broad range of social psychological topics and processes to help teachers better understand how social context impacts STEM learning. Students will learn about social inequality in STEM fields, and the individual, interactional, and institutional barriers to developing a science identity for youth from a variety of social locations (rural/urban, gender, race/ethnicity, Socioeconomic Status, ELL). The class will learn about implicit bias, stereotype threat, and identity theory, and how they impact formal and informal social interactions and learning in the STEM classroom. They will learn and help formulated practical strategies to reduce their negative impact in order to broaden and widen student engagement in STEM. |
TEAC 800 | Inquiry Into Teaching and Learning | This course will introduce you to the assumptions about what counts as knowledge underlying particular approaches to scholarly inquiry and will help you identify the factors, forces and audiences that shape any and all forms of educational research. This course is an introduction to education research, and is usually offered in general online sections for teachers (not math-specific). |
TEAC 801 | Curriculum Inquiry | Focuses on building an understanding of mathematics curriculum development, including historical and contemporary issues that influence curriculum planning and educational change. This course is usually offered in general online sections for teachers (not math-specific). |
TEAC 807A | Equitable Practices in Mathematics Education: Identity, Access, & Equity in Mathematics Education | Analysis of the application of equitable practices to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics. The course focuses on how social, historical, and institutional contexts affect mathematics teaching and learning and specifically on issues of identity, access, and equity in mathematics education from theoretical and practical perspectives. This course is offered in the summer (odd years). |
TEAC 807B | Equitable Practices in Mathematics Education: Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice | Analysis of the application of equitable practices to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics. Specifically, the course focuses on the theoretical and practical implications for teaching mathematics for social justice. This course is offered in the summer (even years). |
TEAC 807C | Equitable Practices in Mathematics Education: Mathematics Classroom Discourse | Analysis of the application of equitable practices to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics. Specifically, the course focuses on the roles and contexts of mathematics classroom discourse and the practical implications for supporting productive, powerful, and purposeful discourse as an equity practice. This course is offered in the spring (odd years). |
TEAC 808G | Improvement of Instruction in School Mathematics: Manipulatives in Mathematics Education | This course is devoted to the role of manipulative materials (both concrete and virtual) in promoting mathematics learning. A philosophy of using manipulatives is developed and integrated with a range of experiences proven effective in helping students learn mathematics. The topics and materials will range from primary to middle grades to secondary mathematics, but this course is highly recommended for elementary teachers. This course is offered in the summer (odd years). |
TEAC 808J | Improvement of Instruction in School Mathematics: Special Topics | Techniques, plans, and procedures for improving instruction in mathematics. Analysis of current instructional and supervisory practices. Evaluation of research and instructional materials. This course is recommended for elementary teachers. This course is offered in the summer (even years). |
TEAC 836G | Professional Development: Mathematics Teacher Leadership | Equip professionals to understand and develop as leaders of mathematics education P-20 settings. Issues include reviewing, analyzing, discussing, and applying research from diverse perspectives in education, reflecting on one's own teaching, furthering professional goals of actively leading colleagues in their schools, districts, and professional organizations, and developing a mathematics teacher leader identity. This course is offered in the fall (even years) and recommended for the Primarily Math, ITEAM, and Math in the Middle programs. |
TEAC 848G | Introduction to Curriculum Studies: Mathematics Curriculum Analysis & Design | Historical development and philosophy of school curricula. Review of research on schooling, curriculum trends, and school organizational structures. Specifically, the course focuses on the analysis and design of PK-16 mathematics curriculum materials from theoretical and practical perspectives. This course is offered in the summer (odd years). |
TEAC 849G | Studies in Assessment and Leadership for Learning: Assessment in Mathematics Education | Preparation for assessing K-12 learners and leading K-12 Teacher Learning Communities. Specifically, the course focuses on examining mathematics classroom assessment practices and policies. Emphasis will be placed on understanding assessment from both a theoretical and practical perspective and implications for planning and enacting mathematics instruction. This course is offered in the summer (even years). |
TEAC 856P | Learning Models: Theories and Applications Specific to Mathematics Instruction | Introduction to current theoretical models of learning pertaining to schooling. Learner characteristics and applications to traditional classroom settings. This course is offered in the fall (odd years). |
TEAC 880E | Teaching with Technology: Instructional Technology in Mathematics | Survey and analysis of the application of technology to improve teaching. Research and related literature on learning, teaching and curriculum, and the critical application of technology and the development of teaching strategies. This course is offered in the spring (even years). |