Women in Mathematics at Nebraska (WUMN) was founded in 2008 by UNL female undergraduates interested in developing a social network to discuss different mathematical and non-mathematical issues that women might encounter during and after college.
In 2018 WUMN has re-defined itself as a chapter of the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM).
- Currently the AWM student chapter holds joint meetings with the Math Club and Pi Mu Epsilon. Take a look at the upcoming Math Club events.
Contact Lauren Cranton Heller for more information.
2024/2025 Officers of the AWM Student Chapter at UNL
Here are the officers of the AWM student chapter at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Faculty advisor
Graduate student mentor
Sara Mueller
Chapter Officers
Helen Martinez, Jasmine Pham, Caroline Belleque
Upcoming Events
GAME NIGHT! On Thursday, February 13th, AWM will host a game night in Avery 348 (the third floor lounge) from 6:30-8:30pm.
This will be a fun, casual event where you can meet other math students and learn about opportunities to get involved. We will have a variety of games (party, collaborative, strategy, etc.) but feel free to bring your favorites!
All students, regardless of gender identity, are welcome to attend. Please email Lauren Cranton Heller (lheller2@unl.edu) if you have any questions!

- Association for Women in Mathematics
- American Mathematical Society
- The Girls' Angle
- Women in Mathematics Guide
Recommended Reading
- She Does Math! Real-Life Problems from Women on the Job, by Marla Parker
- Out of the Shadows: Contributions of Twentieth-Century Women to Physics, by Nina Byers and Gary Williams
- Math Doesn't Suck: How to Survive Middle School Math Without Losing Your Mind or Breaking a Nail, by Danica McKellar
- The Ten Year Nap, by Meg Wolitzer
- How She Does It: How Women Entrepreneurs Are Changing the Rules of Business Success, by Margaret Heffernan
Social Media
Follow us on Instagram: @awm.unl