Math Day 2024
Sixty-eight Nebraska high schools and more than 500 students participated in the 34th annual Nebraska Math Day on Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2024 (there was not a Math Day in calendar year 2023 since the event moved from the fall semester to the spring). Math Day 2024 included new challenges and activities designed to spark high school students’ interest in math, to encourage them to pursue a career in mathematics or the mathematical sciences, and to recognize outstanding mathematical ability.
This all-day event consisted of the PROBE II individual competition, the fast-paced Math Bowl Swiss-system team competition, and interactive challenges and activities such as the first-ever Math Day Escape Room. More than 800 students took the PROBE I exam concurrently at their respective school classrooms in late January.
The PROBE II exam took place on Feb. 20, and 58 students came to UNL to participate. The top 25 scholarship winners are listed below. For 2024, students who place from 11th to 25th in the PROBE competition (sum of PROBE I and II) will each earn a $500 scholarship to UNL. This $500 award is a one-year scholarship, with $250 given each semester of their first year at UNL.
Math Bowl Tournament
The top two teams are listed for each class.
Class A (Competitive)
- Lincoln Southwest: Wensi Cui, Bella Xu, Amy Yuan
- Elkhorn South: Jinyoung Ahn, Jayanth Athipatla, Sebastian Goeller
Class B (Competitive)
- Brownell Talbot 1: Jiadong Chen, Daniel Lindarev, Matt Schinzel, Oliver Xuan
- Wahoo 1: Michael Carranza, Nathan Eriksen, Seth Obert
Class C (Recreational)
- Scottsbluff 2: Kaidenz McDaniel, Logan Polk, Jacob Mark, Nicholas Roberts
- Brownell Talbot 2: Alexander Lindarev, Sonu Saxena, Gavin Vernon, Eric Zhou
Class D (Recreational)
- East Butler: Kaleb Palik, Jacob Pekarek, Chance Rohda
- Elm Creek: Ethan Fries, Ava Hellriegel, Brody Schopke, Kole Steiner
PROBE I & II– Individual Competition
The top 25 individuals are listed, combined scores on both exams.
- Viet Lai – Lincoln Southwest High School
- Nixon Hanna – Lincoln East High School
- Jerry Sun – Millard North High School
- Jayanth Athipatla – Elkhorn South High School
- Sam Morris – Omaha Central High School
- James Yu – Lincoln East High School
- Ha Quach – Lincoln Southwest High School
- Rohan Yalamanchili – Millard North High School
- Evan Sun – Millard North High School
- Haamiz Humayun Kabir – Millard North High School
- Sai Nallani – Westside High School
- Zachary Flynn – Elkhorn South High School
- Wensi Cui – Lincoln Southwest High School
- Advika Namasivayam – Millard North High School
- Amy Yuan – Lincoln Southwest High School
- Advaith Namasivayam – Millard North High School
- Logan You – Lincoln East High School
- Nayan Vel – Millard North High School
- Andrew Rogers – Creighton Preparatory School
- Peter Peng – Falls City High School
- Wyatt Nerud – Bluffs Middle School, Scottsbluff
- Jinyoung Ahn, Elkhorn South High School
- Nicholas Li – Lincoln East High School
- Landen Heine – Scottsbluff Senior High School
- BingYi Wang – Westside High School