Math Recognition 2018-19

Undergraduate Students

Math Majors Graduating with Highest Distinction—Spring 2019

Elizabeth Spaulding, Zachary Van Roy

Math Majors Graduating with High Distinction – Spring 2019

Timothy Knaak, Jianzhi Lou, Samantha Rouse, Katy Stuckey, Zachary Warneke, Luke Wilmes, Tao Yao

Math Majors Graduating with Distinction – Spring 2019

Derek Baumfalk, Nora Breen, Marina Cozac, Carolyn Davis, Andrew Fanning, Brandon Geren, John Stobbe, Jacob Warner

Math Majors Graduating with Honors – Spring 2019

Andrew Fanning, Timothy Knaak, Nathan Ray, Elizabeth Spaulding, John Stobbe, Maxim van Klinken, Zachary Van Roy, Zachary Warneke, Jacob Warner

Math Majors Graduating in Spring 2019

Kyle Anderson, Derek Baumfalk, Nora Breen, Amber Bridgeford, Marina Cozac, Andrew Daehling, Carolyn Davis, Andrew Fanning, Brandon Geren, Kelly Glaser, Zixuan Hao, Siru Hou, Chutian Jiang, Timothy Knaak, Arich Knaub, Mark Knudsen, Abigail Leuschen, Nicholas Leyden, HaoZhou Li, Jianzhi Lou, Tyler Lowery, Xianyao Lu, Laurel Lund, Lihua Luo, Jiahui Ning, Oliver O’Brien, Cameron Pick, Rilee Potter, Ajay Rathore, Nathan Ray, Samantha Rouse, Isabel Safarik, Beau Schindler, Caleb Schmidt, Alexander Schroeck, Jackson Shafer, Jianfei Shao, Zehao Song, Elizabeth Spaulding, John Stobbe, Katy Stuckey, Moriah Tiemann, Elizabeth Tyler, Maxim van Klinken, Zachary Van Roy, Addison Waller, Xingyun Wang, Zachary Warneke, Jacob Warner, Luke Wilmes, Yang Xiao, Yi Xiao, Fengshu Xu, Jingqian Xu, Tao Yao, Zhibo Zhang, Zixin Zhang, Chenyang Zhao, Di Zhao, Junxia Zhao

Math Majors Graduating High Distinction– Fall 2018

Julianne Faur, Thuan Luong, Brook Verbik

Math Majors Graduated in Fall 2018

Nicole Benker, Junzhe Cai, Ge (Grace) Chai, Noah Hansen, Claire Kamas, Thuan Luong, Mia Nguyen, Hunter Rowen, Hetong Shi, Leonard Tan, An Tran, Brook Verbik, Shikai Wang, Boqing Wu, Qiwen Xu, Fan Yang, Zhongkai Yu, Hanbo Zhan, Xiaotong Zhang, Yanbin Zhou

Math Majors Graduated in Summer 2018

Chun Yin Ho, Zachary Rouzee, Nathan Johnston, Han Liu

Senior Honors and Distinction Theses (directed by)

Elizabeth Spaulding (Adam Larios)

Chancellors Scholars

Jianzhi Lou, Elizabeth Spaulding, Zachary Warneke

UCARE Awards and Undergraduate Research Participation (directed by)

Allison Cruikshank (Lee), Jared Ott (Pérez), Rilee Potter (Zupan)

2018 Putnam Contest Participants

Alex Heitzman, Andrew Haar, Jared Ott, Anjaneshwar Ganesan, Zachary Warneke

2018 SIMIODE Challenge Using Differential Equations Modeling Participants

Pratap Biskwakarma, Derek Chew, Allison Cruikshank, Quianyu Dong, Jianzhi Lou, Thuan Luong

2019 Mathematical Contest in Modeling Participants

Izzat Adly, Jianzhi Lou, Diego Galvan

Pi Mu Epsilon — Inducted Fall 2018

Ge (Grace) Chai, Miles Davis, Qianyu Dong, Alex Heitzman, Savannah Howard, Luke Diego Galvan, Laurel Lund, Thuan Luong, Mia Nguyen, Lara Quiring, Victoria Salinas, Michael Schneider, Alex Schroeck, Luis Tuarez, Addison Waller, Manying Wang

Irwin Dubinsky Memorial Scholarship in Mathematics

Miles Davis, Alexander Schroeck

Joel Stebbins Fund

Ge (Grace) Chai, Clay Christenson, Savannah Howard, Claire Kamas

Dean H. and Floreen G. Eastman Memorial Scholarships in Mathematics

Fatima Barragan-Herrera, Alexander Batelaan, Derek Baumfalk, Tomohide Bessho, Emmalee Bielenberg, Richard Bouma, Amber Bridgeford, Zach Cairney, Derek Chew, Emily Cleveland, Allison Cruikshank, Grace Dickas, Collin Dougherty, Stanley Drvol, Brandon Geren, Andrew Haar, Alexander Heitzman, Robert Hutchinson, James Janvrin, Matthew Meacham, Sean Michel, Nicholas Nguyen, Ray Nierman, Hannah Oh, Jesse Osnes, Jared Ott, Michael Purcell, Lara Quiring, Amanda Rowley, Isabel Safarik, Simon Schoenbeck, Jarod Schwinck, Elizabeth Spaulding, Moriah Tiemann, An Tran, Elizabeth Tyler, Zachary Van Roy, Nicholas Verdoni, Zachary Warneke, Jacob Warner, Lane Weidner, Qixuan Yang

Gallup UNL Math Day Fund

Jianzhi Lou

Drusilla Winchester Scholarship

Kushagra Kapil

Renneman/Luebbers Scholarship in Math

Lixin Cao, Jordan Schmitz

Ruby Wittemore Fund

Leenah Bouzid

Dr. Huben Schneider Scholarship

Zachary Warneke

Sylvia & Hans Jeans Mathematics Scholarship

Sanat Bhandari, Shannyn Bird, Samuel Carrasco

Chair’s Prize Award

Elizabeth Spaulding

Graduate Students

2019 Ph.Ds.

Master's Degree Recipients

August 2018, MAT: Grant Doerr, Emily Dvorak, Wendi Herbin, Kristina Pearson, Jordan Sis

MS/MA, May 2019: Sara Ahrens, Nicole Buczkowski, Michael DeBellevue, Austin Eide, Allison Frideres, Catherine Godfrey, Michelle Haver, Jacob Kettinger, Dylan McKnight, Hayley Olson, Leilani Pai, Alyssa Seideman, Ana Wright, Frank Zimmitti

Awards and Fellowships

2018-2019 Othmer Graduate Fellowship

Nikola Kuzmanovski and Collin Victor

2018-2019 Chancellors Graduate Fellowship

Allison Ganger and Jackson Morris

2018 Walter Mientka Teaching Award

Michelle Haver

2018 Don Miller Award for Outstanding Teaching by a Graduate Student

Mitch Hamidi

2018 Outstanding First Year Student

Catherine Godfrey

2018 Outstanding Qualifying Exam

Michael DeBellevue

2018 Bill Leavitt Award

Taran Funk

2018 Lloyd Jackson Award

Aurora Marks

2018 Grace Chisholm Young and William Henry Young Fellowship

Robert Huben

Amy Bouska GTA Leadership Award

George Nasr

Linda Bors Fellowships

Lara Ismert, Matt Reichenbach, Karina Uhing

2018-2019 Steven Haataja Award for Outstanding Exposition by a Graduate Student

Aurora Marks

2018-2019 Conference Speakers and Poster Sessions

American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, Spring 2019 - Ariel Setniker

AMS Fall Southeastern Sectional Meeting, Fayetteville, AR, November 2018 - Elizabeth Carlson, Nicholas Packauskas, Josh Pollitz

AMS Fall Western Sectional, San Francisco, CA, October 2018 - Lara Ismert, Josh Pollitz

AMS Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting, Auburn, AL, March 2019 - Ben Drabkin, Josh Pollitz

Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, Spring 2019 - Ariel Setniker

Brazos Analysis Seminar, Texas A&M University, September 2018 - Lara Ismert

Creighton Early Career Mathematician’s Conference 2018 - Nicholas Packauskas, Katie Tucker

Graduate Workshop in Commutative Algebra for Women & Mathematicians of Other Minority Genders, Poster Session - Erica Musgrave

Great Plains Operator Theory Symposium, Miami University, May 2018 - Derek DeSantis, Lara Ismert

Joint Math Meetings presentations, Baltimore, MD, January 2019 - Ben Drabkin, Allison Ganger, Mitch Hamidi, Wei Hu, Robert Huben, Lara Ismert, Nathan Poppelreiter, Ariel Setniker, Katie Tucker, Marla Williams

KUMUNU Jr., 2019 - Ben Drabkin, Nicholas Packauskas

Morgantown Algebra Days, Poster Session, 2019 - Nicholas Packauskas

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Research Conference, April 2019 - Meggan Hass

North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Greenville, SC, November 2018 - Karina Uhing

Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (RUME) Annual Conference, Oklahoma City, OK, Spring 2019 - Ariel Setniker, Karina Uhing

SIAM Central States Section, Norman, OK, October 2018 - Elizabeth Carlson

SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Spring 2019 - Elizabeth Carlson

SLAM Conference, Poster Session - Ben Drabkin

Texas National McNair Research Conference, 2018 - Kaitlin Tademy

Vanderbilt Subfactor Seminar, April 2019 - Lara Ismert

Young Mathematicians in C*-algebras Conference at KU Leuven, Belgium, August 2018 - Mitch Hamidi and Lara Ismert

Research Papers Published

Drabkin, B. (2019). “Aymptotic invariants of ideals with Noetherian symbolic Rees algebra and applications to cover ideals.” Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra.

Ismert, L. (2019). “Kernel Stabilization of Unbounded Derivations on C*-algebras.” New York Journal of Mathematics.

Males, L. M., & Setniker, A. (2019). “Planning with Curriculum Materials: Interactions between Prospective Secondary Mathematics Teachers’ Attention, Interpretations and Responses” [Special issue]. International Journal of Educational Research.

Uhing, K. (2018). “Exploring the phenomenon of pedagogical empathy.” In T. E. Hodges, G. J. Roy, & A. M. Tyminski (Eds.), Proceedings of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 994-997).

Wakefield, N., Uhing, K., & Hamidi, M. (2018). “Building long-term support for faculty through graduate student instructor professional development.” In W. M. Smith, B. R. Lawler, J. F. Strayer, & L. Augustyn (Eds.), Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership Conference (pp. 84-90).

Williams, M., Smith, W. M., Uhing, K., & Funk, R. (2019). “Leadership and commitment to educational innovation: Comparing two cases of active learning reforms.” Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference on Research on Undergraduate Mathematics Education.

Internships and Summer Schools

Nicole Buczkowski, NSF INTERN Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, Summer 2019

Elizabeth Carlson, MSRI, Recent topics on well-posedness and stability of incompressible fluid and related topics, Summer 2019; LANL Codesign Summer School, 2019

Gary DeClerk, MSRI/BIRS, Geometric group theory, Summer 2019

Derek DeSantis, NSF Mathematical Summer Graduate Internship, Los Alamos National Lab, Summer 2018

Paula Egging, NSF Mathematical Summer Graduate Internship, Argonne National Laboratory, Summer 2018

Robert Huben, NSF Mathematical Summer Graduate Internship, Nevada National Security Site, Summer 2018

Amadeus Martin, MSRI: Commutative Algebra and its Interaction with Algebraic Geometry, Summer 2019

JD Nir, MSRI: Polynomial Method, Summer 2019

Hayley Olson, NSF INTERN Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, Summer 2019

Kaitlin Tademy, Workshop in Knot Theory at Georgia Tech, Summer 2019

Collin Victor, Summer School on Recent Advances in Mathematical Fluid Dynamics, University of Southern California, 2019


Faculty and Staff

Promotion to Full Professor

Mikil Foss

Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure

Yvonne Lai and Kyungyong Lee

Fellow of the American Mathematical Society

Susan Hermiller

Fellow of the Association for Women in Mathematics

Judy Walker

2018-2019 Beta Theta Pi Outstanding Educator of the Year

Petronela Radu

Faculty Fellow for Student Success

Allan Donsig

Dr. Charles Riedesel Outstanding Academic Advising Award

Doug Pellatz

New Faculty — Fall 2018

Josh Brummer

New Postdocs — Fall 2018

Amanda Laubmeier (Rebarber)

Thomas Kindred (Zupan)

UNL Parents Association Certificates of Recognition for Contributions to Students

Andrew Becklin (3), Janet Emery (2), Kevin Gonzales (3), Mitch Hamidi (3), Michelle Haver, Thomas Kindred, Tom Marley (6), Emily McMillon, George Nasr, Mohammad Rammaha (12), William Rogge (7), Bob Ruyle (4)

Roger Wiegand Award

Alexander Zupan

External Grants and Contracts Received in 2018-2019

Mikil Foss, All Girls All Math, American Mathematical Society

Mikil Foss and Petronela Radu, NSF INTERN Supplement

Susan Hermiller, Geometric Group Theory: Algorithms, Growth, and Low Dimensional Topology, Simons Foundation

Christine Kelley and Glenn Ledder, Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics, NSF

Christine Kelley, Glenn Ledder and Alex Zupan, Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics, NSA

Tri Lai, Enumeration of Tilings and Related Topics, Simons Foundation

Xavier Perez Gimenez, Random Graphs and Information Dissemination Processes, Simons Foundation

Richard Rebarber, Analysis and Control of Uncertain Population Models, Simons Foundation

Wendy Smith, Persistence, Effectiveness and Retention Studies in STEM Teaching (PERSIST), NSF; Computer Science for All: Adapt, Implement and Research at Nebraska (AIR@NE), NSF; Using Networked Improvement Communities to Design and Implement Program Transformation Tools for Secondary Mathematics Teacher Preparation (NIC-Transform), NSF; Teacher Leadership: Investigating Trajectories and Persistence (T-LEAD), NSF

Mark Walker, Free resolutions, K-theory and dg-categories, NSF

Faculty and Staff Members Serving for 0 (mod 5) Years

Richard Rebarber (35 years)

Steve Cohn (30 years)

Marilyn Johnson (30 years)

Glenn Ledder (30 years)

Tom Marley (30 years)

Mark Brittenham (20 years)

Mikil Foss (15 years)

Petronela Radu (15 years)

Lindsay Augustyn (10 years)

Robert Ruyle (10 years)

Adam Larios (5 years)

Nathan Wakefield (5 years)

Thank you to Gary DeClerk, Emily McMillon and Marilyn Johnson for organizing the department’s 20th annual recognition event, noting accomplishments from June 2018 to May 2019.