Undergraduate Students
Chair’s Prize Award
Diego Galvan
Andrew Haar
Special Awards
Diego Galvan, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Chancellors Scholars (4.0 GPA in all courses)
Fall 2020: Kushagra Kapil
Spring 2021: Will Bruening, Will Brunner, Andrew Haar, Amanda Rowley
Math Majors Graduated with Highest Distinction – Spring 2021
Will Brunner, Allison Cruikshank, Andrew Haar, Jackson Lederer, and Jesse Osborn
Math Majors Graduated with High Distinction – Spring 2021
Jonathan Askey, Will Bruening, Samuel Carrasco, Micah Holmes, Zachary Madsen, Nick Nguyen, Lara Quiring, Ben Rhodes, Lexus Root, Amanda Rowley, Michael Schneider, Treyvor Vice, Zeyu Wang, and Yimeng Zhao
Math Majors Graduated with Distinction – Spring 2021
Diego Galvan, Parker Janicek, Nicholas Lennon, Brennan Rhoadarmer, and Josh Schmidt
Math Majors Graduated with Honors – Spring 2021
Will Brunner, Allison Cruikshank, Diego Galvan, Jackson Lederer, Nicholas Lennon, Nick Nguyen, Jesse Osborn, Lara Quiring, Brennan Rhoadarmer, and Amanda Rowley
Math Majors Graduated in Spring 2021
Azaria Ahl, Izzat Bin Ahmad Adly, Ahmed Al-Khalil Ahmed Al-Mazrouai, Jonathan Askey, Hannah Balandran, Taylor Bartek, Xiaoyu Bi, Brandon Blue, Tara Brockman, Will Bruening, Will Brunner, Kenneth Buffo, Zach Cairney, Samuel Carrasco, Chris Carreras, Shen Chang, Caleb Cox, Allison Cruikshank, Alex Curran, Blake Dvarishkis, Calvin Focht, Diego Galvan, David Garza, Austin Gubbels, Andrew Haar, Christopher Haidvogel, Achintya Handa, Jacob Henderson, Micah Holmes, Parker Janicek, Nicholas Johnson, Scott Jones, Lucas Keester, Jacob Kennedy, Taylor Kissinger, Jackson Lederer, Nicholas Lennon, Siyi Li, Barrett Luci, Zachary Madsen, Sean Miller, Henry Mitchell, Nischal Neupane, Nick Nguyen, Dana Nugent, Jesse Osborn, Jesse Osnes, Cameron Peer, Samuel Pierce, Lara Quiring, Bret Reetz, Ryan Reeves, Quinn Reimer, Brennan Rhoadarmer, Ben Rhodes, Lexus Root, Amanda Rowley, Josh Schmidt, Michael Schneider, Taylor Schrader, John Slaby, Jane Speier, Will Stokebrand, Nate Thach, Grace Tiernon, Shreeya Vaitla, Treyvor Vice, Zeyu Wang, Colten Welch, Sirui Wen, Reagan Wooden, and Yimeng Zhao
Math Majors Graduated with Highest Distinction– Fall 2020
Kushagra Kapil
Math Majors Graduated with High Distinction– Fall 2020
Nicholas Verdoni
Math Majors Graduated with Distinction– Fall 2020
David Maas
Math Majors Graduated in Fall 2020
Matous Adamec, Jean Claude Bamute Kamba, Melissa Bowers, Cheng Cheng, Kushagra Kapil, Jared Ladd, Guanzhong Liang, Huanyu Liu, David Maas, Phillip Nguyen, Zhenchang Qi, Wei Qu, Brennan Roberson, Nicholas Verdoni, Carter Walford, Dillon Walker, Zetian Wang, Heng Xu, Xu Yang, and Liyuan Zhang
Math Majors Graduated in Summer 2020
Emilee Buol, Drew Doyle, Nathan Ghanavati, Jinyu Hu, Yakira McKay, Lucille Melcher, Kyle Pekarek, Huixin Peng, Jonghyun Yoo, Wenjun Yuan, and Geigh Zollicoffer
Senior Honors and Distinction Theses (directed by)
Will Brunner (Timothy Gay, Physics & Herman Batelaan, Physics), Spring 2021
Allison Cruikshank (Huijing Du, Mathematics & Yawen Guan, Statistics), Spring 2021
Diego Galvan (Adam Larios, Mathematics & Petronela Radu, Mathematics), Spring 2021
Andrew Harr (Petronela Radu, Mathematics & Adam Larios, Mathematics), Spring 2021
Kushagra Kapil (Etsuko Moriyama, Biological Sciences & Jitender Deogun, Computer Science), Fall 2020
Jackson Lederer (Martin Centurion, Physics & Herman Batelaan, Physics), Spring 2021
Jesse Osborn (Ilya Kravchenko, Physics & Ken Bloom, Physics), Spring 2021
UCARE Awards and Undergraduate Research Participation (directed by)
Allison Cruikshank (Huijing Du); Diego Galvan (Adam Larios); Anjaneshwar Ganesan (Petronela Radu); Andrew Harr (Petronela Radu); Jesse Osnes (Bo Deng); and Ana Podariu (Yu Jin)
2020 Putnam Contest Participants
Anjaneshwar Ganesan, Katie Gerot, Stephanie Marsh, and Caitlin Murphy
Pi Mu Epsilon — Inducted Spring 2021
Charles Bonk, Grace Farson, and Ronit Gandhi
Department Scholarship Awards
54 scholarships were awarded for the 2020-21 academic year.
Irwin Dubinsky Memorial Scholarship in Mathematics
Will Brunner
Joel Stebbins Fund
Cheyenne Warren
Dean H. and Floreen G. Eastman Memorial Scholarships in Mathematics
Samantha Bannister, Alexander Batelaan, Ciara Baumert, Tomohide Bessho, Kasey Brabec, Zach Cairney, Dylan Chapin, Allison Cruikshank, Collin Dougherty, Stanley Drvol, Zoe Engelbert, Grace Farson, Diego Galvan, Anjaneshwar Ganesan, Elizabeth Griggs, Joshua Gromowsky, Andrew Haar, Ryan Lampe, Jackson Lederer, Benjamin Lohrman, Aleah Miller, Nicholas Nguyen, Ray Nierman, Jesse Osborn, Jesse Osnes, Anthony Palmesano, Ana Podariu, Lara Quiring, Ava Rech, Lexus Root, Amanda Rowley, Joshua Schmidt, Spencer Schmidt, Simon Schoenbeck, Jarod Schwinck, Margaret Scott, Nicholas Scott, and Nicholas White
Gallup UNL Math Day Fund
Lixin Cao
Drusilla Winchester Scholarship
Thomas Walton
Renneman/Luebbers Scholarship in Math
Meghan Ryan and Thomas Walton
Ruby Wittemore Fund
Ciara Baumert
Dr. Huben Schneider Scholarship
Luke Van Drie
Sylvia & Hans Jeans Mathematics Scholarship
Alexander Batelaan, Will Brunner, Alexander Fetzner, Michael Schneider, Liam Seper, Luke Van Drie, and Cheyenne Warren
Linda Bors Mathematics Scholarship
Grace Farson
Graduate Students
Link to Ph.D. alumni
December 2020 Ph.D.:
Matt Reichenbach, "Spectral Properties of a Non-compact Operator in Ecology", Geospatial Research Laboratory (US Army Corps of Engineers)
May 2021 Ph.Ds.:
Three May graduates will share honor of 100th Ph.D. to a woman in mathematics
Juliana Bukoski, "Free Semigroupoid Algebras from Categories of Paths", Georgetown College
Elizabeth Carlson, "Enhanced Effication of Turbulent Flow Observations: Parameter Recovery, Sensitivity Analysis, Nonlinear Data Assimilation Algorithms, and a Real-World Implementation", University of Victoria
Taran Funk, "Frobenius and Homological Dimensions of Complexes"
Su Ji Hong, "On the realization of real Schur roots as planar curves", Yale University
Robert Huben, "Gauge-Invariant Uniqueness and Reductions of Ordered Groups"
August 2021 Ph.Ds.:
Eric Hopkins "N-Fold Matrix Factorizations", Asst. Professor, College of the Ozarks
Erica Hopkins, "Complexes over the Exterior Algebra with Small Homology"
Vincent Longo, "Results on Nonorientable Surfaces for Knots and 2-knots"
Adolfo Amadeus Martin, "Curved BGG Correspondence", Preceptor of Mathematics at Harvard University
George Nasr, "A Combinatorial Formula for Kazhdan-Lusztig Polynomials of Sparse Paving Matroids", University of Oregon
Alyssa Whittemore, "Bootstrap Percolation on Random Geometric Graphs"
Master's Degree Recipients
August 2020, MAT: Alyssa Baber, Geoff Carnahan, Keira Johnson, Corey Jones, Jim Lynam, Laura Rademacher, Drew Rische, Hannah Rundle, Kaitlyn Tenski, Alison Timoney, Alison Willis
May 2021, MAT: Hannah Beck, Nicholas Clayburn, Kelsey Cordero
MS/MA, May 2021: Molly Creagar, Matthew Enlow, Abigail Long, April Loyd, Robert Martin, Meraiah Martinez, Sarthak Neupane, Justin Nguyen, Shah Roshan Zamir, Isabel Safarik, Andrew Soto Levins, Kaitlin Tademy, Kathryn Van Etten, Anh Vo, Daniel Welchons
Awards and Fellowships
2020-2021 Othmer Graduate Fellowship
Tessa Stevens
2020-2021 Chancellors Graduate Fellowship
Audrey Goodnight and Apala Mandal
2020 Walter Mientka Teaching Award
Brittany Johnson
2020 Don Miller Award for Outstanding Teaching by a Graduate Student
Hayley Olson
2020 Outstanding First Year Student
Meraiah Martinez
2020 Outstanding Qualifying Exam
Gregory Faurot
2020 Bill Leavitt Award
Eric Hopkins
2020 Lloyd Jackson Award
Sara Myers
2020 Emeritus Faculty Fellowships
Dylan McKnight
2020 Grace Chisholm Young and William Henry Young Fellowship
Vincent Longo
Awards and Fellowships (continued)
Amy Bouska GTA Leadership Award
Nicole Buczkowski
Linda Bors Fellowships
Michael DeBellevue
Emily McMillon
Ana Wright
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
NASA Nebraska Space Grant Fellowship
Emily McMillon
2020-2021 Steven Haataja Award for Outstanding Exposition by a Graduate Student
Kathryn Van Etten
2020-2021 Ben Nolting Award
Amadeus Martin and Ana Wright
2020-2021 AMS Officers
Jake Kettinger (President) and Kathryn Van Etten (Secretary/Treasurer)
2020-2021 Internships and Summer Schools
Faurot, Greg -Groundwork for Operator Algebras Lecture Series, Summer 2020
Goodnight, Audrey - Center for Communication Studies (SCAMP), Summer 2021
Kuzmanovski, Nikola - Ocuvera, Winter 2020
Marks, Aurora - Northrup Grumman, Summer 2020
Martinez, Meraiah - Ocuvera, Winter 2020
Moeller, Jesse - NSF MSGI with LANL (Summer 2020); Ocuvera (2021)
Meyer, Nick - Summer School: MSRI Gauge Theory, Summer 2021
Olson, Hayley - NSF MSGI Internship with Sandia National Laboratories (Summers 2020 and 2021)
Reichenbach, Matt - Geospatial Research Laboratory, U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Summer 2020
Tademy, Kaitlin - EDGE 2021 Summer Session Mentor; 2021 Rising Star Mathematically Gifted and Black
Vander Woude, Jason - Sandia National Laboratories, Summer 2021
Whittemore, Alyssa - Data Science Bootcamp, P14 at Urbana-Champaign, Summer 2020
Publications, Talks and Posters
Buczkowski, Nicole. Talk: Kansas State University Analysis Seminar, "Dependence on data and parameters for solutions of nonlocal systems"
Buczkowski, Nicole. Talk: One Nonlocal World Conference, "Continuous Dependence for Nonlocal Systems"
Buczkowski, Nicole. Talk: Iowa State University Probability, Analysis, and Data Science Seminar, "Stability of solutions with respect to changes in data and parameters of nonlocal models"
Buczkowski, Nicole. Talk: University of Pittsburgh, "Stability of nonlocal systems"
Bukoski, Juliana. Talk: Nebraska-Iowa Functional Analysis Seminar (NIFAS), November 2020
Carlson, Elizabeth. Talk: "AOT data assimilation algorithm: parameter recovery, applications, and a nonlinear algorithm" AMS Fall Western Sectional Meeting
Creager, Molly. Publication: S. Devlin, T. Treloar, M. Creagar, and S. Cassels. (preprint) "An iterative Markov rating method" Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1515/jqas-2019-0070
DeClerk, Ash. Talk: "Falsification by fellow traveler property and autostackability" at the Postgraduate Group Theory Conference 2020, hosted by the University of Southampton
Publications, Talks and Posters (continued)
Funk, Rachel. Chapter co-author in "Transformational Change Efforts: Student Engagement in Mathematics through an Institutional Network for Active Learning)" from the SEMINAL project (in press, 2021).
Geraci, Juliann. Publication: "Graph Universal Cycles of Combinatorial Objects" in Advances in Applied Mathematics
Hong, Su Ji. Publication: "Lattice polytopes from Schur and symmetric Grothendieck polynomials."Fall AMS Central Sectional Meeting
Hong, Su Ji. Talk: "c-vectors ad non-self-crossing curves for acyclic quivers of finite type" in SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications) journal in 2021.
Kettinger, Jake, Zimmitti, Frank, and Harbourne, Brian. Talk: Various versions of the resurgence and how they are related", AMS Fall Eastern Sectional Meeting
Longo, Vincent. Talk: "An infinite family of counterexamples to Batson's conjecture", AMS Fall Western Sectional and AMS Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting
McMillon, Emily, Beemer, Allison, and Kelley, Christine. Publication: “Extremal Absorbing Sets In Low-Density Parity-Check Codes.” Accepted to appear in Advances in Mathematics of Communications
McMillon, Emily. Talk: Analysis of Absorbing Sets Using Cosets and Syndromes, (20 min.), June 2020, International Symposium on Information Theory, Virtual
McMillon, Emily. Poster: SC-LDPC Codes with Good Window Distance Properties, (Invited; 20 min.), Apr. 2021, AMS Spring Central Sectional Meeting, Virtual, Special Session on Graph Theory and Applications
McMillon, Emily, and Nasr, George. Poster: Mastery Grading for Future K-6 Teachers, June 2020, Mastery Grading Conference, Virtual
Moeller, Jesse. Publication: "Diagrams of *-Trisections" co-authored with Rom\a'n Aranda from University of Iowa, accepted by Math Research Letters
Olson, Hayley. Poster: One Nonlocal World Conference, "Convergence of Nonlinear Nonlocal Operators"
Olson, Hayley. Talk: Kansas State University Analysis Seminar, "Convergence of Nonlinear Nonlocal Operators to their Classical Counterparts"
Olson, Hayley. Talk: SIAM CSE21, "A Unified Theory of Fractional and Nonlocal Vector Calculus: Main Results and Implications"
Olson, Hayley. Talk: Iowa State University Probability, Analysis, and Data Science Seminar, "Tempered and Truncated Fractional Operators - Exploring Reduction of Computational Cost"
Olson, Hayley. Publication: H. Olson, M. Gulian, and M. D'Elia, "The Tempered Fractional Laplacian as a Special Case of the Nonlocal Laplace Operator." Computer Science Research Institute Summer Proceedings 2020. Technical Report SAND2020-12580R, p. 111-126
Olson, Hayley. Publication: S. Beres, V. Coufal, K. Kearney, R. Lattanzi, and H. Olson, "Linking Numbers of Klein Links," The College Mathematics Journal. Vol. 52 Issue 2, p. 106-114.
Triplitt, Carlie. Publication: "Vertex-Minimal Planar Graphs with a Prescribed Automorphism Group" in Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 53(2), 355-367 (Printed in March 2021 Issue)
Volk, Adam. Talk: Adam Volk, "Generalized saturation problems for cliques and stars", AMS Spring Central Sectional Meeting
Faculty and Staff
Promotion to Full Professor
Christine Kelley (Announced Spring 2021)
Promotion to Research Professor
Wendy Smith (Fall 2020)
Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure
Adam Larios (Fall 2020)
Alexandra Seceleanu (Announced Spring 2021)
Alexander Zupan (Announced Spring 2021)
Promotion to Associate Professors of Practice
Michelle Homp (Fall 2020)
Nathan Wakefield (Fall 2020)
UNL Awards
Nathan Wakefield (Spring 2021), Distinguished Teaching Award
Alexandra Seceleanu (Spring 2020), Distinguished Teaching Award
Alex Zupan (Spring 2020), Distinguished Teaching Award
Named Professorships
George Avalos, Milton Mohr Professorship (Fall 2020)
Yvonne Lai, Milton Mohr Professorship (Fall 2020)
Richard Rebarber, Milton Mohr Professorship (Fall 2020)
New Faculty
Eloísa Grifo (Fall 2021)
New Postdocs — Fall 2020
Amy Bennett (Y. Lai)
Animesh Biswas (Foss/Radu)
2021 Outstanding Achievement Award, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
2021 NSF CAREER Award
Jack Jeffries, "CAREER: Differential Operators and p-Derivations in Commutative Algebra"
Family & Friends Recognition Awards (formerly known as the Parents' Recognition Award)
Kelli Roeber-Schoening (1), Mark Walker (4), Kevin Gonzales (5)
Roger Wiegand Award
Christine Kelley
Alexandra Seceleanu (Honorable Mention)
Bill Rogge
Bob Ruyle
Faculty and Staff Members Serving for 0 (mod 5) Years, Awarded Fall 2020
Mohammad Rammaha (35 years)
Brian Harbourne (35 years)
Cheryl Kane (30 years)
Andy Frederick (CSMCE) (25 years)
George Avalos (20 years)
Michelle Homp (15 years)
Alex Zupan (5 years)
In Memoriam
Benjamin Nolting, August 2020
David Skoug, March 2021
Melvin Thornton, May 2020
Thank you to Marilyn Johnson and Ana Wright for organizing the department’s 22nd annual recognition event, noting accomplishments from June 2020 to May 2021.