Alumni Spotlight: Fatima Barragan Herrera

by Fatima Barragan Herrera

November 12, 2019

Fatima Barragan Herrera
Major(s): Mathematics
Year in School: Senior

Fatima Barragan Herrera

Where are you from? My family and I emigrated from Mexico but I grew up in Grand Island, NE.

What gets you excited about Math? I have really enjoyed my time at UNL. Coming into college I was really excited to begin my degree in Mathematics. My favorite courses have been the Calculus sequence and Math in the City! The Calculus sequence is really the base material that you need to know fairly well so that you can apply it and be successful in other courses.


Favorite math class or instructor? Why? Math in the City gave me the opportunity to apply my analytical and problem solving skills to a real world problem. This class is tailored to what is relevant in society. For example, currently we are focusing on gerrymandering and redistricting as the 2020 census is approaching.


What are you excited about doing after graduation? After graduation, I am very excited to take some time off to travel, spend time with family and apply to graduate school!


What is a goal you have accomplished as a Husker? As a Husker I have been able to study abroad in Argentina for a semester! As a Husker, I have been able to create meaningful relationship with the faculty and staff at UNL. Through this I have had the privilege to be mentored by leaders of the University that have supported me along my journey. As a Husker I was able to intern with the IEA team and not only apply the skills I have learned in my courses but also continue to build new skills while continuing to learn. As a Husker I have learned more about myself and what my opportunities are for my future.

What do you hope to cross off your “bucket list” in the next few years? Within the next few years I hope to continue to travel outside of the U.S., continue my education through a graduate program and hopefully find myself by a beach where the sun is out year around!