Nebraska high school students are invited to join Associate Professor of Mathematics Jack Jeffries in the Fall 2024 semester for UNL Math Circle events. We will be working with high school teachers to set up Math Circles during class or school math club meetings. If you are interested in having a Math Circle at your school, please contact Dr. Jeffries at
The UNL Math Circle is a new outreach event that brings university mathematicians and mathematical scientists together with high school students. While the presenters will explain new ideas, the meetings will be centered on activities rather than lectures. The focus is on mathematical topics outside of the typical high school curriculum; we will focus on topics that are of classical interest, have new applications in the modern world, or that more often appear after high school.
UNL faculty and students from a range of different mathematical specialties will be invited to present, to ensure that a broad and exciting panorama of mathematics is conveyed.
Our goal is to encourage more high school students to study mathematics. We have been especially focused on working with high schools in rural areas, and in areas with large Native American or Hispanic populations.
Contact Dr. Jeffries at with any questions.