Rowlee Lecture Series
The Howard Rowlee Lecture is an annual event which seeks to bring internationally acclaimed scholars in the mathematical sciences to UNL to promote public understanding of mathematical research and to stimulate the environment for mathematics research at UNL.
Career Perspectives in Mathematics Lecture Series
The Career Perspectives in Mathematics lecture series aims to inform and inspire students regarding the many professions that a bachelor's degree in mathematics can lead up to. Featuring successful alumni of our department, the presentations in this series shed light on the transformation process from student to professional, illustrated with personal examples and tips from the trenches.
Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics
This conference gives outstanding undergraduate students the opportunity to discuss their own research and to meet other students who share their interest in the mathematical sciences. Conference participants will also have a chance to learn about life in graduate school from the perspective of current women graduate students representing math departments from across the country.
KUMUNU, which is named for its original participating institutions (the University of Kansas, the University of Missouri–Columbia, and the University of Nebraska–Lincoln), has been an annual conference for commutative algebraists in the Great Plains region since 1999. It has grown significantly since its inception, and currently attracts about 100 participants from a significantly larger geographical region. The goal of KUMUNU is to provide a setting to share cutting-edge mathematical research and promote collaborations among algebraists in or within driving distance of the Great Plains region. Major goals specific to KUMUNU are to broaden the geographic reach of the conference, promote connection between commutative algebra and related areas, and showcase the research of early career mathematicians.
Math Day
The purpose of Math Day is to stimulate interest in Mathematics among Nebraska high school students, to encourage them to pursue mathematics or mathematics based science as a career, to recognize mathematical ability by awarding scholarships, certificates, and trophies.
All Girls All Math (AGAM)
This summer mathematics camp for high school students provides a stimulating and supportive environment for students to develop their mathematical ability and interest. The AGAM summer camp has been offered since 1997.
Pi Mu Epsilon Lecture Series
Pi Mu Epsilon (PME) is a national honor society promoting scholarship in mathematical sciences. The Nebraska Alpha Chapter of PME was founded at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 1928 and has since then inducted over 2000 members. The PME Address is an annual lecture series, each year bringing a prominent mathematician and educator to give a public talk at UNL for the primary benefit of our undergraduate science majors.
Recognition Banquet
Since 2000, the Department has hosted an annual Recognition Banquet each spring, to celebrate the achievements of the past year of Departmental staff, faculty, undergraduates and graduate students.
Past Events
CeSMUR: Central States Mathematics Undergraduate Conference
The Central States Mathematics Undergraduate Research conferences is a celebration of research in mathematics performed by undergraduate students. The fourth installment of this conference series was held at UNL on April 20-21, 2018.
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
This Nebraska REU in Applied Mathematics is an eight-week summer research opportunity for ten students offered by The Department of Mathematics at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln under a grant from the National Science Foundation.
Mentoring through Critical Transition Points (MCTP)
This program targets two critical transition periods in the preparation of mathematicians: the transition from the undergraduate to the graduate level, and the transition from the advanced graduate level to the early years of an academic position.
Research for Undergraduates in Theoretical Ecology
Critical questions in contemporary biology increasingly require mathematical analyses for their answers; however, there is a shortage of biologists with sufficient training in mathematics and mathematicians with sufficient training in biology to master this interdisciplinary work. RUTE is the part of the effort that is aimed for upper division undergraduates. The RUTE program has several interrelated components.
Intensive Mathematics: a Mentoring, Education and Research Summer Experience
Nebraska IMMERSE simultaneously provides a "bridge" program for the summer between undergraduate school and graduate school, an enrichment experience for current UNL graduate students, and an opportunity for faculty in the early years of a professional academic position to receive significant mentoring with regard to both research and teaching—a sort of miniature postdoc position.