Alexandra Seceleanu
Milton E. Mohr Associate Professor Mathematics University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
AVH 338
Lincoln NE 68588-0130 - Phone
About Me
For more information visit my personal website.
I was awarded the 2018 Harold and Esther Edgerton Junior Faculty Award for creative research, extraordinary teaching abilities, and academic promise.
In the news: When life gives you lemons, make mathematicians, an article in the Notices of the AMS about the Polymath program - a large scale online REU I mentored.
Videos from Selected Talks
- The minimal free resolution of a principal symmetric ideal Fellowship of the Ring international commutative algebra seminar organized by University of Utah, Sept 2023
- Connected sums of Artinian Gorenstein algebras and the Lefschetz properties Workshop on Lefschetz properties in Algebra, geometry and Combinatorics, Fields Institute, May 2023
- Reflection arrangements, syzygies, and the containment problem Fellowship of the Ring national commutative algebra seminar organized by MSRI, Jul 2020
- Connected sums of graded artinian Gorenstein algebras and the Lefschetz properties BIRS workshop New Trends in Syzygies in Banff, June 2018
- Combinatorial methods for symbolic powers CMO Workshop on Symbolic and Ordinary Powers of Ideals in Oaxaca, May 2017
- A hands-on approach to tensor product surfaces of bidegree (2,1) CMO Workshop on Computational Algebra and geometric Modeling in Oaxaca, Aug 2016
My research is in commutative algebra, with an interest in computational algebra, homological methods and connections to algebraic geometry.
My publications on the ArXiv and MathSciNet.
I have authored or co-authored several packages for the computer algebra program Macaulay2.
- GenericInitialIdeal
- Regularity
- SymmetricPolynomials
- BigIdeals
- SymbolicPowers