Christopher Schafhauser
Associate Professor Mathematics University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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AVH 307
Lincoln NE 68588-0130 - Phone
“Subalgebras of simple approximately finite-algebras” was published in Annals of Mathematics, published by Princeton University and the Institute for Advanced Study. Schafhauser, who joined the Nebraska Department of Mathematics in 2019, wrote the paper during the 2017–18 academic year as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada.
Schafhauser has 13 publications and graduated with his Ph.D. in mathematics from UNL in 2015. As a faculty member, Schafhauser serves on the graduate advisory committee and teaches the graduate functional analysis course, Math 928.
After completing the postdoc at Waterloo with Professor Kenneth Davidson and Associate Professor Matthew Kennedy, he began a postdoc at York University in Toronto. As a York Science Fellow, he was supported by the Simons Foundation and worked under the supervision of Professor Ilijas Farah and Assistant Professor Paul Skoufranis. He ran a seminar course on the classification theory of C*-algebras at the nearby Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences.