Eloísa Grifo
Assistant Professor Mathematics University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
AVH 339
Lincoln NE 68588-0130 - Phone
Eloísa Grifo is from Portugal, receiving her BS and MS degrees from Instituto Superior T\'ecnico in Lisboa. After earning her PhD under the direction of Craig Huneke at the University of Virginia in 2018, she held positions at the University of Michigan and the University of California, Riverside before joining the faculty at Nebraska in 2021. While at Nebraska, she received the Harold and Esther Edgerton Junior Faculty Award (in 2022) and served as co-chair of the NCUWM (2022/2023). Grifo currently holds an NSF CAREER grant which, among other things, funds her research in commutative algebra and the UNL Math Ambassadors program. Her publications focus on topics such as symbolic powers, p-derivations, and homological methods in commutative algebra. She currently advises five PhD students.