Jim Lewis

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Jim Lewis

Research University of Nebraska-Lincoln


AVH 302
Lincoln NE 68588-0130
402-472-3731 On-campus 2-3731

Jim Lewis is the Aaron Douglas professor of mathematics and the director of STEM education research initiatives in the Office of Research and Economic Development at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He is past director of the Center for Science, Mathematics and Computer Education. From 2004-2006 he served as Chair of the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences. From 2015-2018 he worked at the National Science Foundation, first as Deputy Assistant Director and then as Acting Assistant Director for the Directorate for Education and Human Resources. Lewis was chair of the writing team for The Mathematical Education of Teachers II, co-chair of the National Research Council committee that produced Educating Teachers of Science, Mathematics and Technology: New Practices for the new Millennium, and a member of the AMS Task Force that produced Towards Excellence: Leading a Doctoral Mathematics Department in the 21st Century.


  • Ph.D., mathematics, Louisiana State University
  • B.S., mathematics, Louisiana State University