Josh Brummer

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Josh Brummer

Associate Professor of Practice and Vice Chair Mathematics University of Nebraska-Lincoln


AVH 205
Lincoln NE 68588-0130
402-472-3731 On-campus 2-3731


Spring 2024: Math 106 - Calculus I, Math 893 - Math 893 - Teaching and Learning Mathematics at the Post-Secondary Level

Fall 2023: Math 106 - Calculus I, Math 893 - Math 893 - Teaching and Learning Mathematics at the Post-Secondary Level

Courses taught in previous semesters include:

  • Math 102 - Trigonometry
  • Math 103 - College Algebra & Trigonometry
  • Math 107 - Calculus II
  • Math 309 - Introduction to Mathematical Proofs


Below are some of my publications (peer-reviewed):


  • A. Donsig (PI), With Co-PIs D. Broeckner, C. Brassil, J. Brummer, N. Infante, W. Smith, K. Uhing, Awarded 05/2023-08/2024, Nebraska University Partnership for Undergraduate Mathematics Placement (NU-PUMP), Fred J. Kelly Fund for Research on Teaching, $99,777.
  • J. Brummer (PI), With Co-PIs R. Funk, K. Linde, A. Samal, N. Wakefield, Awarded 05/2020-05/2021, Developing a Cross-Disciplinary Learning Assistant Support Program, UNL Internal Grant, $50,000


In Spring 2023, Dr. Brummer received a College of Arts and Sciences' Distinguished Teaching Award.


Dr. Josh Brummer received his Ph.D. in math (studying Fourier analysis and bilinear pseudodifferential operators) from Kansas State University in 2018 under the supervision of Dr. Virginia Naibo.