Nathan Wakefield

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Nathan Wakefield

Adjunct Faculty Mathematics University of Nebraska-Lincoln


AVH 243
Lincoln NE 68588-0130
402-472-7261 On-campus 2-7261


Spring 2019: Math 896 Teaching and Learning Mathematics at the Post-Secondary Level II, Math 106 Calculus I

Fall 2018: Math 896 Teaching and Learning Mathematics at the Post-Secondary Level I

Spring 2018: Math 896 Teaching and Learning Mathematics at the Post-Secondary Level II

Fall 2017: Math 896 Teaching and Learning Mathematics at the Post-Secondary Level, Math 445 Number Theory, Math 106 Calculus I

Spring 2017: Math 896Teaching and Learning Mathematics at the Post-Secondary Level II, Math 106 Calculus I

Fall 2016: Math 896 Teaching and Learning Mathematics at the Post-Secondary Level, Math 106 Calculus I

Summer 2016: Math 800T Mathematics As a Second Language

Spring 2016: Math 896Teaching and Learning Mathematics at the Post-Secondary Level II, Math 106 Calculus I

Fall 2015: Math 896 Teaching and Learning Mathematics at the Post-Secondary Level, Math 310 Introduction to Modern Algebra

Summer 2015: Math 800T: Mathematics As a Second Language

Spring 2015: Math 896Teaching and Learning Mathematics at the Post-Secondary Level II, Math 102 College Trigonometry, Math 101 College Algebra

Fall 2014: Math 896 Teaching and Learning Mathematics at the Post-Secondary Level, Math 101 College Algebra, Math 100A Intermediate Algebra


My research is focused on the teaching mission of the department.

Below are some of my publications (peer-reviewed):

  • Wakefield, N., Uhing, K., Hamidi, M. (2018). Building long-term support for faculty through graduate student instructor professional development. In W. M. Smith, B. R. Lawler, J. F. Strayer, & L. Augustyn (Eds.). Proceedings of the seventh annual Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership conference. Washington, DC: Association of Public and Land-grant Universities.
  • Miller, E., Uhing, K., Hass, M., Zigterman, R., Quigley, K., Wakefield, N., & Lai Y. (2018). Graduate student instructors' growth as teachers: A review of the literature. In T. Fukawa-Connelly, N. E. Infante, M. Wawro, & S. Brown (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. San Diego, CA.
  • Wakefield N., Champion J., Bolkema J., & Dailey D. (2018). Diagnostic and achievement effects of an early-semester mastery activity in College Algebra. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 1-17.
  • Donsig A., & Wakefield N. (2017). An early-semester mastery activity and intervention in first-year calculus. (2017). In W. M. Smith, B. R. Lawler, J. Bowers, & L. Augustyn (Eds.). Proceedings of the sixth annual Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership conference. New Orleans, LA: Association of Public and Land-grant Universities.
  • Miller, E., Wakefield, N., & Lai, Y. (2017). Opportunities to learn from teaching: A case study of two graduate teaching assistants. In T. Fukawa-Connelly, N. E. Infante, M. Wawro, & S. Brown (Eds.). Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. San Diego, CA.
  • Lai, Y., Smith, W., Wakefield, N., Miller, E., St. Goar, J., Groothius, C., & Wells, K. (2016). Characterizing mathematics graduate student teaching assistants' opportunities to learn from teaching. In J. Dewer, S. Hus, & H. Pollatsek (Eds.). Mathematics Education, A Spectrum of Work in Mathematical Sciences Departments, 7, Springer.
  • Brilleslyper, M., Wakefield, N., Wallerstein, A., & Warner, B. (2016). Comparing the growth of the prime numbers to the natural numbers, Fibonacci Quarterly, 54(1), 65-71.
  • Wakefield, N. (2016). Generalized iterations and primitive divisors, Journal of Number Theory, 159, 273-294.
  • Miller, N., & Wakefield, N. (2014). A mentoring program for inquiry-based teaching in a college geometry class. International Journal of Education in Mathematics Science and Technology, 2(4), 266-272.


  • Wakefield, N. (PI), Donsig, A. (Co-PI), Awarded 5/2018-9/2018 Math 100A, Math 101, Math 102 Kelly Grant OER Development, UNL Internal Grant, $12,000
  • Wakefield, N. (PI), Harbourne, B. (Co-PI), Radu, P. (Co-PI), Smith, W. (Co-PI), Awarded 12/2017-12/2019 Online Exams in the First Year Mathematics Program: A first step in exploring the option, UNL Internal Grant, $20,000
  • Smith, W. (PI), Donsig, A. (Co-PI), Wakefield, N. (Co-PI), Awarded 08/1/2016-07/31/2021 Student Engagement in Mathematics Through an Instructional Network for Active Learning, NSF, Award Number 1624643, $332,442 for UNL, part of an overall $3,000,000 grant.
  • Wakefield, N. (PI), Smith, W. (Co-PI), Awarded 04/2015-04/2016 PI Supporting Blended Education in High-Enrollment Mathematics Courses, UNL Internal Grant, $24,954
  • Wakefield, N. (PI), Donsig, A. (Co-PI), Lewis, W. (Co-PI), Walker, J. (Co-PI), Awarded 08/2014-08/2015 PI Actively Learning Mathematics, Mathematical Association of America, $24,815

Ph.D. Students

Karina Uhing: co-advising with Yvonne Lai

Meggan Hass: co-advising with Yvonne Lai


In my role as Director of First-Year Mathematics Programs, I have developed several resources for instructors at UNL. I include links here for ease of access.

Some of the following resources may require UNL credentials to access:


  • Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Colorado Boulder. May 2013, Advisor: Su-Ion Ih, Dissertation title: Primitive Divisors in Generalized Iterations of Chebyshev Polynomials
  • Th.M., Theology, Dallas Theological Seminary. May 2022
  • M.A.R., Religion, Faith Baptist Theological Seminary. May 2020
  • M.S., Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado Boulder. May 2012
  • M.A., Mathematics, University of Northern Colorado. May 2008, completed 35 graduate credit hours toward Ph.D. in Educational Mathematics
  • B.S., Mathematics and Aviation Technology, Metropolitan State College of Denver. 2006. Magna Cum Laude