Math Day
The purpose of Math Day is to stimulate interest in Mathematics among Nebraska high school students, to encourage them to pursue mathematics or mathematics based science as a career, to recognize mathematical ability by awarding scholarships, certificates, and trophies.
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
This Nebraska REU in Applied Mathematics is an eight-week summer research opportunity for ten students offered by The Department of Mathematics at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln under a grant from the National Science Foundation.
Mentoring through Critical Transition Points (MCTP)
This program targets two critical transition periods in the preparation of mathematicians: the transition from the undergraduate to the graduate level, and the transition from the advanced graduate level to the early years of an academic position.
AGAM Discover Cryptography Camp
This summer mathematics camp for high school students provides a stimulating and supportive environment for students to develop their mathematical ability and interest. The AGAM summer camp has been offered since 1997.
Research for Undergraduates in Theoretical Ecology (RUTE)
Critical questions in contemporary biology increasingly require mathematical analyses for their answers; however, there is a shortage of biologists with sufficient training in mathematics and mathematicians with sufficient training in biology to master this interdisciplinary work. RUTE is the part of the effort that is aimed for upper division undergraduates. The RUTE program has several interrelated components.
Intensive Mathematics: a Mentoring, Education and Research Summer Experience (IMMERSE)
Nebraska IMMERSE simultaneously provides a "bridge" program for the summer between undergraduate school and graduate school, an enrichment experience for current UNL graduate students, and an opportunity for faculty in the early years of a professional academic position to receive significant mentoring with regard to both research and teaching—a sort of miniature postdoc position.
Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics (NCUWM)
This three-day conference held each January is open to outstanding undergraduate mathematicians at all stages of their careers. Students have the opportunity to meet others who share their interest in the mathematical sciences, and those who have done research are given an opportunity to present their results.