Math Recognition 2021-22

Undergraduate Students

Chair’s Prize Award

Michael Pieper and Ana Podariu

Chancellors Scholars (4.0 GPA in all courses)

Fall 2021: Elizabeth Griggs and Robyn MacDonald

Spring 2022: Samantha Bannister, Jackson Goddard, and Anthony Palmesano

Math Majors Graduated with Highest Distinction – Spring 2022

Shannyn Bird

Math Majors Graduated with High Distinction – Spring 2022

John Hsian Chao Ang, Samantha Bannister, Tomo Bessho, Ben Buckwalter, Jackson Goddard, Ray Huck, Zachary Kerkman, Vishnu Menon, Anthony Palmesano, Michael Pieper, David Scalzo, Daniel Schlautman, Luke Van Drie, and Ashley Zugay

Math Majors Graduated with Distinction – Spring 2022

Gabriel Adams, Collin Dougherty, Michael Hackett, Margaret Pollard, Sawyer Smith, and Andrew Wiedenmann

Math Majors Graduated with Honors – Spring 2022

Gabriel Adams, Shannyn Bird, Ben Buckwalter, Daryn Capps, Shelby Castle, Alexander Cathcart, Stanley Drvol, Katie Gerot, Hunter Godina, Colton Gronewold, Gregory Hubbard, Ray Huck, Zachary Kerkman, Natalia Koval, Vishnu Menon, Michael Pieper, David Scalzo, Steven Silgado, Sawyer Smith, Luke Van Drie, and Ashley Zugay

Math Majors Graduated in Spring 2022

Gabriel Adams, John Hsian Chao Ang, Michael Bania, Samantha Bannister, Wencheng Bao, Tomo Bessho, Shannyn Bird, Charlie Bonk, Ben Buckwalter, Jack Bydalek, Daryn Capps, Shelby Castle, Alexander Cathcart, Collin Dougherty, Mackenzie Doyle, Stanley Drvol, Katie Gerot, Jackson Goddard, Hunter Godina, Colton Gronewold, Michael Hackett, Aaron Hall, Riley Hayes, Gregory Hubbard, Ray Huck, Asmita Jayswal, Zachary Kerkman, Natalia Koval, Jadyn Larsen, Xavier Layman, Dawei Li, Kevin Lizik, Mohammad Majid, Stephanie Marsh, Vishnu Menon, Drew Merritt, Anthony Palmesano, Nhi Pham, Michael Pieper, Ana Podariu, Margaret Pollard, Jordan Pond, Roderick Riley, Jordan Rodriguez, Emma Rose, Spencer Salem, David Scalzo, Aleka Schlake, Daniel Schlautman, Benjamin Schweigert, Jarod Schwinck, Steven Silgado, Sawyer Smith, Kevin Snyder, Chaofan Song, Jackson Speer, Luke Van Drie, Tai Vo, WenTao Wang, Andrew Wiedenmann, Sonya Wu, Haodi Xu, Song Zheng, and Ashley Zugay

Math Majors Graduated with High Distinction– Fall 2021

Elizabeth Griggs, Ryan Lampe, and Robyn MacDonald

Math Majors Graduated with Honors – Fall 2021

Elizabeth Griggs, Utkarsh Hardia, Ryan Lampe, and Robyn MacDonald

Math Majors Graduated in Fall 2021

Mallak Al Mamari, Alexander Batelaan, Dinesh Budhathoki, Bryan Chavez, Clay Christenson, Elizabeth Griggs, Utkarsh Hardia, Laila Hasan, Yuwen Jin, Joseph Koetting, Ryan Lampe, Bowen Luo, Robyn MacDonald, Bhabishya Neupane, Josh Stallbaumer, Ran Ye, and Emily Zimmerman

Math Majors Graduated in Summer 2021

Lixin Cao, Hoong Kai Cheong, Calista Humphrey, Cameron Ramsey, Yihan Xiao, and Xiaoyang Li

Senior Honors and Distinction Theses (directed by)

Gabriel Adams (Alex Zupan, Math & Mark Brittenham, Math), Spring 2022

Shannyn Bird (Chi Zhang, Biochemistry & Rebecca Roston, Biochemistry), Spring 2022

Michael Pieper (Mikil Foss, Math & Petronela Radu, Math), Spring 2022

Sawyer Smith (Josh Brummer, Math & Amy Bennett, Math), Spring 2022


UCARE Awards and Undergraduate Research Participation (directed by)

Gabriel Adams (Alex Zupan & Mark Brittenham), 2021-22

Turner Blick (Alexandra Seceleanu), UCARE Summer 2021

Ronit Gandhi (Bo Deng & Clay Cressler), 2021-22

Anjaneshwar Ganesan (Petronela Radu), UCARE 2021-22

Michael Pieper (Mikil Foss), UCARE 2021-22

Ana Podariu (Yu Jin), Spring 2022

Sawyer Smith (Josh Brummer & Amy Bennett), 2021-22

Cleve Young (Yvonne Lai), Spring 2022

2021 Putnam Contest Participants

Andrew Cook, Ronit Gandhi, and Kolton O'Neal

2022 Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM)

Ronit Gandhi and Emily Kokesh

Pi Mu Epsilon — Inducted Spring 2022

Turner Blick, Philip Chohon, Hunter DeBoer, Kaitlin Keleher, Layla Montemayor, Danielle Oberpriller, and Kolton O'Neal

Department Scholarship Awards

67 scholarships were awarded for the 2021-22 academic year.

Irwin Dubinsky Memorial Scholarship in Mathematics

Morgan Brockner, Clay Christenson, and Yashaswi Mehra

Joel Stebbins Fund

Clay Christenson, Cole Johnson, Angeline Luther, and Garrett Mayer

Dean H. and Floreen G. Eastman Memorial Scholarships in Mathematics

Dakota Andrews, Lawand Anwer, Molly Arnold, Samantha Bannister, Alexander Batelaan, Ciara Baumert, Tomo Bessho, Turner Blick, Eylon Caplan, Collin Dougherty, Stanley Drvol, Zoe Engelbert, Grace Farson, Ronit Gandhi, Anjaneshwar Ganesan, Elizabeth Griggs, Josh Gromowsky, Sydney Gubbels, Samuel Kirchner, Emily Kokesh, Stephanie Marsh, Tyler McMann, Aleah Miller, Caitlin Murphy, Jack Murphy, Ray Nierman, Kolton O'Neal, Anthony Palmesano, Ken Pham, Michael Pieper, Ana Podariu, David Ryckman, Darin Schlautman, Spencer Schmidt, Simon Schoenbeck, Jarod Schwinck, Maggie Scott, Sara Vance, Nicholas White, and Cleve Young

Drusilla Winchester Scholarship

Yashaswi Mehra and Aleah Miller

Renneman/Luebbers Scholarship in Math

Anas Al Balushi, Elena Butler, Ritvik Handa, Garrett Mayer, and David Scalzo

Ruby Wittemore Fund

Ronit Gandhi

Dr. Huben Schneider Scholarship

Emma Dover

Sylvia & Hans Jeans Mathematics Scholarship

Alexander Cathcart, Cole Johnson, Angeline Luther, Kim Hao Nguyen, Tram Nguyen Gia, Luke Van Drie, Sarah Van Hare, and Cheyenne Warren

Linda Bors Mathematics Scholarship

Stephanie Marsh, Kira Mills, and Xin Wu

Graduate Students

Link to Ph.D. alumni

December 2021 Ph.D.:

Jesse Moeller, advised by Mark Brittenham and Alex Zupan, "Results on Goeritz groups and Farey Trisections," Space X

May 2022 Ph.Ds.:

Emily McMillon, advised by Christine Kelley "Theory and Design of Graph-Based Codes for Improved Iterative and Windowed Decoding," Rice University R.T.G. Lovett Instructor (Postdoc)

Hayley Olson, advised by Mikil Foss and Petronela Radu, "Mathematical analysis for nonlocal nonlinear diffusion models," Carnegie Mellon (Postdoc)

Adam Volk, advised by Jamie Radcliffe, "Extremal Problems in Graph Saturation and Covering," University of Notre Dame (Assistant Teaching Professor)

August 2022 Ph.Ds.:

Nicole Buczkowski, advised by Mikil Foss and Petronela Radu, "Continuous dependence of solutions to nonlocal systems with heterogeneous kernels of interaction," Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Postdoc)

Ash DeClerk, advised by Susan Hermiller

Egging, Paula, advised by George Avalos

Aurora Marks, advised by Mark Brittenham and Susan Hermiller, Northrup Grumman

Master's Degree Recipients:
May 2022, MA/MS: Ellyn Collier, Alex Heitzman, Maia Wichman
May 2022, MAT: Jenna McCleary, Sarah Murmann, An Ngoc Nguyen, Kristin Will
August 2022, MAT: Odalys Cruz, Kelly Glaser, Jordan Haag, Jackson Hinze, Michelle Kelsey, Sarah Kendeigh, Katherine Kisby, Kasuandra Kosberg, Abbi Kush, Trevor Leiting, Jared Oswald, Kelly Ottens, Brenda Perez, Christine Schroeder, Katie Sieck

Awards and Fellowships

Amy Bouska GTA Leadership Award

Matthew Bachmann

Linda Bors Fellowships

Laila Awadalla, Rachel Funk, Jake Kettinger


Graduate Research Fellowship for STEM Diversity (GFSD)

Kirsten Morris

Awards and Fellowships (continued)

Chancellors Graduate Fellowship

Reuben Kaufman

Walter Mientka Teaching Award

Johan Cristobal

Don Miller Award for Outstanding Teaching by a Graduate Student

Emily McMillon

Outstanding First Year Student

Jordan Crawford and Maia Wichman

Outstanding Qualifying Exam

Charles Chen

Bill Leavitt Award

Valerie Morris

Lloyd Jackson Award

Frank Zimmitti

Grace Chisholm Young and William Henry Young Fellowship

Nikola Kuzmanovski

Steven Haataja Award for Outstanding Exposition by a Graduate Student

Sara McKnight

Ben Nolting Award

Shah Roshan Zamir

College of Arts and Sciences Inclusive Excellence and Diversity Award; Office of Diversity and Inclusion Promising Leader Award

Kaitlin Tademy

2021-2022 AMS Officers

Brittany Johnson, President
Abbey Long, Secretary/Treasurer

2021-2022 Internships and Summer Schools

Nicole Buczkowski, Sandia National Lab, summer 2021 (Virtual)

Molly Creagar, MSGI Program at the USACE-ERDC Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab

Audrey Goodnight, SCAMP at the Center for Computing Sciences, Summer 2021

Meraiah Martinez, Ernie Haigh Internship, Ocuvera, Summer 2021

Dylan McKnight, MSRI Recent Topics in Well Posedness Taipei, Taiwan, Summer 2022

Sara McKnight, Goddard Space Flight Center, Summer 2022 (Virtual)

Emily McMillon, MSRI Topological Methods for the Discrete Mathematician, Summer 2022

Nick Meyer, MSRI Summer Graduate School: Gauge Theory in Geometry and Topology, July 5-16 2021 (Virtual)

Hayley Olson, MSGI Program at Sandia National Lab, Summer 2021

Isabel Safarik, Los Alamos National Labs, Parallel Computing Summer Research Internship, Summer 2022

Jason Vander Woude, Sandia National Labs, Summer 2021

2021-2022 Internships and Summer Schools (continued)

Kathryn Van Etten, BRIDGES (Building Relationships for an Inclusive and Diverse Group of Emerging Students) Program, June 7-10, 2022, at University of Utah; EDGE (Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education) Program Mentor, July 6-August 6, 2022, at Oxford University

Collin Victor, MSRI Recent Topics in Well Posedness Taipei, Taiwan, Summer 2022

Anh Vo, Oak Ridge National Laboratories, Summer 2021 (Virtual)

Anh Vo, MRSI Integral Equations and Applications, Summer 2022


Publications, Talks and Posters

Nicole Buczkowski, Poster: Stability of solutions to nonlocal models with respect to changes in data, in KUMUNU-ISU Lincoln, Nebraska October 2021; Poster: Continuous dependence for nonlocal models with respect to changes in data, in Prairie Analysis Seminar (Virtual) Manhattan, Kansas November 2021; Poster: Comparing and contrasting two nonlocal biharmonic operators, in Fall Central Sectional Meeting (Virtual) Omaha, Nebraska October 2021; Poster: Continuity with Respect to Data and Stability due to changes in parameters of Nonlocal Models, in 16th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (Virtual) Chicago July 2021; Poster: Solution sensitivity on data parameters for nonlocal systems, in AWM at SIAM (Virtual) July 2021

Emily McMillon, Talk: "Designing Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes by Optimizing Window Codes," Postgraduate International Coding Theory Seminar, July 2021; Talk: "Designing Graph-Based Codes for Window Decoding," SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics, Minisymposium on Graphs and Geometries, July 2021; Talk: "Online Versus In-Person Delivery: Exploring the Effects of Mastery Grading in a Geometry Course for Pre-Service Elementary Teachers," MAA Mathfest, Contributed Session on Alternative Assessments: Lessons from the Pandemic, Aug. 2021; Talk: "Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes with Cycle-Free Windows," Joint Math Meetings, Special Session on Advances in Coding Theory, Apr. 2022

Faculty and Staff

Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure

Huijing Du

Tri Lai

Xavier Pérez Giménez

Fellow of the American Mathematical Society

Brian Harbourne

UNL Awards

College Distinguished Teaching Award

Huijing Du

College Outstanding Research and Creativity Award

Mark Walker

Hazel R. McClymont Distinguished Teaching Fellow Award

Allan Donsig

Applause Awards

Lindsay Augustyn, Marilyn Johnson, Brian O'Connell, Stephanie Vendetti

National Awards

Judy Walker, AAAS Fellow

New Faculty

Eloísa Grifo

New Post Docs

Emmanuel Barton-Erdo (Lewis/Smith)

Tejfol Pllaha (Kelley)

Chayu Yang (Du/Jin)

Family & Friends Recognition Awards (formerly known as the Parents' Recognition Award)

Tefjol Pllaha

Roger Wiegand Award

Eloísa Grifo

Jack Jeffries (Honorable Mention)


Mohammad Rammaha - 37 years

Steve Cohn - 33 years

Nathan Wakefield - 8 years

Faculty and Staff Members Serving for 0 (mod 5) Years, Awarded Fall 2021

Jim Lewis (50 years)

David Pitts (35 years)

Judy Walker (25 years)

Mark Walker (25 years)

Tom Danaher (25 years)

Bill Rogge (15 years)

Huijing Du (5 years)

Kevin Gonzales (5 years)

Tri Lai (5 years)

Xavier Perez Geminez (5 years)


In Memoriam

Nick Baeth (PhD 2005)


Thank you to Marilyn Johnson and Lindsay Augustyn for organizing the department’s 24th annual recognition event, noting accomplishments from June 2021 to May 2022.

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