Math Recognition 2022-2023

Undergraduate Students

Chair’s Prize Awards

Channing Bentz

Cleve Young

Special Awards

Layla Montemayor, Summer 2023 SIAM-Simons Undergraduate Summer Research Program (Inaugural Cohort)

Cleve Young, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

Chancellors Scholars (4.0 GPA in all courses)

Spring 2023: Josh Gromowsky, Ryan Hruby, Samuel Gilbert, Kim Hao Nguyen, and Max Nguyen

Math Majors Graduated with Highest Distinction – Spring 2023 (Anticipated)

Alyssa Betterton, Grace Farson, Josh Gromowsky, Spencer Schmidt, Crystal Seet, Sarah Van Hare, and Cleve Young

Math Majors Graduated with High Distinction – Spring 2023 (Anticipated)

Ciara Baumert, Channing Bentz, Eylon Caplan, Hao Dao, Sam Gilbert, Ritvik Handa, Benjamin Lohrman, Garrett Mayer, Kim Hao Nguyen, Max Nguyen, Gabriel Ramsey, Liam Seper, Tom Walton, Keyaun Washington, Spencer Will, and Jackson Young

Math Majors Graduated with Distinction – Spring 2023 (Anticipated)

Ronit Gandhi, Cole Johnson, Sam Kirchner, Caleb Koranda, Aleah Miller, Bhagyalakshmi Pushkaran, Erica Steiner, and Uyen Tran

Math Majors Graduated with Honors – Spring 2023 (Anticipated)

Ciara Baumert, Alyssa Betterton, Turner Blick, Kasey Brabec, Grace Farson, Ronit Gandhi, Josh Gromowsky, Ritvik Handa, Ryan Hruby, Cole Johnson, Caleb Koranda, Benjamin Lohrman, Aleah Miller, Max Nguyen, Bhagyalakshmi Pushkaran, Crystal Seet, Liam Seper, Erica Steiner, Sarah Van Hare, Tom Walton, and Keyaun Washington

Math Majors Graduated in Spring 2023

Lawand Anwer, Jillian Baker, Ciara Baumert, Michael Bean, Channing Bentz, Brett Berg, Alyssa Betterton, Turner Blick, Kasey Brabec, Arnaaz Brar, Eylon Caplan, Philip Chohon, Anh Hao Dao, Emma Dover, Grace Farson, Amy Fetzner, Mitchell Finocchiaro, Ronit Gandhi, Sam Gilbert, Josh Gromowsky, Ritvik Handa, Isaac Hatfield, Abby Heffner, Ryan Hruby, Ya Htoo, Brady Johnson, Sam Kirchner, Emily Kokesh, Caleb Koranda, Benjamin Lohrman, Hannah Maag, Mason Malecha, Garrett Mayer, Yashaswi Mehra, Aleah Miller, Alexander Muenster, Kim Hao Nguyen, Max Nguyen, Noelle Ortman, Carter Powell, Bhagyalakshmi Pushkaran, Gabriel Ramsey, Brad Scheuler, Spencer Schmidt, Kayla Scholz, Crystal Seet, Liam Seper, Jacob Spooner, Erica Steiner, Phuong Tran, Uyen Tran, Carson Trego, Paige Trevarrow, Sarah Van Hare, Tom Walton, Keyaun Washington, Spencer Will, Cleve Young, Jackson Young, and Parker Zach

Math Majors Graduated with Highest Distinction– Fall 2022

Shannyn Bird and Anjaneshwar Ganesan

Math Majors Graduated with High Distinction– Fall 2022

Justin Ho, Anders Long, Tram Nguyen, and Darin Schlautman

Math Majors Graduated with Distinction– Fall 2022

Ray Nierman and Sajal Risal

Math Majors Graduated with Honors – Fall 2022

Anjaneshwar Ganesan and Ray Nierman

Math Majors Graduated in Fall 2022

Kyle Allen, Yousuf Alsalmi, Cade Cutler, Anjaneshwar Ganesan, Dietrich Hitt, Justin Ho, Aobo Huang, Xuan Le, Eric Liu, Anders Long, Hunter Nance, Tram Nguyen, Ray Nierman, Nhi Pham, Tiana Rice, Sajal Risal, Misaki Sandridge-Nishihara, Darin Schlautman, Haonan Sun, and Emily Weissling

Math Majors Graduated with Distinction – Summer 2022

Simon Schoenbeck

Math Majors Graduated in Summer 2022

Anas Al Balushi, Grace Carman, Kevin Lizik, John Nguyen, Jacob Pope, Simon Schoenbeck, and Judy Truong

Senior Honors and Distinction Theses (directed by)

Alyssa Betterton, Spring 2023 (Allan Donsig, Mathematics & Susan Vagts, Actuarial Science)

Shannyn Bird, Fall 2022 (Chi Zhang, Biochemistry & Rebecca Roston, Biochemistry)

Grace Farson, Spring 2023 (Tyler White, Political Science & Rupal Mehta, Political Science)

Anjaneshwar Ganesan, Fall 2022 (Herman Batelaan, Physics & Matthias Fuchs, Physics)

Ronit Gandhi, Spring 2023 (Clay Cressler, Biological Sciences & Bo Deng, Mathematics)

Josh Gromowsky, Spring 2023 (Geoff Lorenz, Political Science & Brandon Bosch, Political Science/Sociology)

Aleah Miller, Spring 2023 (John DeLong, Biological Sciences & Chad Brassil, Biological Sciences)

Bhagyalakshmi Pushkaran, Spring 2023 (Geoff Lorenz, Political Science & Mardi Schmeichel, Teaching, Learning, & Teacher Education)

Spencer Schmidt, Spring 2023 (Cara Burberry, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences & Erin Haacker, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences)

Crystal Seet, Spring 2023 (Aaron Bronfman, Philosophy & John Brunero, Philosophy)

Erica Steiner, Spring 2023 (Kim Hansen, Biological Sciences & Marissa Stanton, Biological Sciences)

Sarah Van Hare, Spring 2023 (Jordan Soliz, Communication Studies & Kathy Castle, Communication Studies)

Cleve Young, Spring 2023 (Yvonne Lai, Mathematics & Wendy Smith, Mathematics)


UCARE Awards and Undergraduate Research Participation (directed by)

Alyssa Betterton, Thesis 2022-23 (Allan Donsig & Sue Vagts, ACTS)

Turner Blick, UCARE 2022-23 (Animesh Biswas)

Kasey Brabec, 2022 (Jack Jeffries)

Lucy DePooter, UCARE Summer 2022 (Alex Zupan)

Ronit Gandhi, Thesis 2022-23 (Clay Cressler, BIOS & Bo Deng)

Layla Montemayor, UCARE 2022-23 (Petronela Radu)

Kolton O’Neal, UCARE Summer 2022 (Tefjol Pllaha)

Gabe Payson, Spring 2023 (Levi Heath)

Jack Rankin, UCARE Summer 2022 (Alex Zupan)

Uyen Tran, REU Summer 2022 (Eloísa Grifo & Jack Jeffries)

Cleve Young, Thesis 2022-23 (Yvonne Lai & Wendy Smith)

Nicholas White, Spring 2023 (Mikil Foss)

2022 Putnam Contest Participants

Channing Bentz, Andrew Cook, Kolton O'Neal, and Nicholas White

Pi Mu Epsilon — Inducted Spring 2023

Angelea Arnett, James Head, Noah Sorensen, Xiangyuan Su, and Sara Vance

Math Direct Reading Program – Fall 2022 (mentored by)

Kolton O'Neal (Ryan Watson)

Dakota Andrews (Abbey D'Ovidio & Molly Creager)

Justin Ho (Nikola Kuzmanovski)

Math Direct Reading Program – Spring 2023 (mentored by)

Dakota Andrews (Michael Pieper)

Caitlin Murphy (Sara McKnight)

Kolton O'Neal (Ryan Watson)

Sara Vance (Abbey D'Ovidio)

Elizabeth Weber (Collin Victor)

Nicholas White (Dylan McKnight)

Department Scholarship Awards

59 scholarships were awarded for the 2022-23 academic year.

Irwin Dubinsky Memorial Scholarship in Mathematics

Ritvik Handa

Joel Stebbins Fund

Eylon Caplan

Dean H. and Floreen G. Eastman Memorial Scholarships in Mathematics

Dakota Andrews, Lawand Anwer, Alyssa Betterton, Nataliya Brana, Eylon Caplan, Hao Dao, Grace Farson, Ronit Gandhi, Anjaneshwar Ganesan, Josh Gromowsky, Kaitlin Keleher, Simon Kerr, Samuel Kirchner, Gillian Kohl, Emily Kokesh, Benjamin Lohrman, Helen Martinez, Aleah Miller, Shivani Mudhelli, Caitlin Murphy, Matthew Naumann, Kolton O'Neal, Lily Rippeteau, Darin Schlautman, Spencer Schmidt, Margaret Scott, Tyson Shields, Erica Steiner, Sara Vance, Nicholas White, and Cleve Young

Drusilla Winchester Scholarship

Angeline Luther

Renneman/Luebbers Scholarship in Math

Morgan Brockner, William Hammann, Abraham Schaecher, and Elizabeth Weber

Ruby Wittemore Fund

Layla Montemayor

Dr. Huben Schneider Scholarship

Angeline Luther

Sylvia & Hans Jeans Mathematics Scholarship

Cole Johnson, Garrett Mayer, Yashaswi Mehra, Layla Montemayor, Tram Nguyen, Keegan Oldani, Liam Seper, Jacob Snider, Tatiana Startseva, Xiangyuan Su, and Sarah Van Hare

Linda Bors Mathematics Scholarship

Alyssa Betterton

Bares Family Fund for Excellence in Mathematics

William Hammann, Angeline Luther, Garrett Mayer, Abraham Schaecher, Jacob Snider, Sarah Van Hare, and Elizabeth Weber

College of Arts & Sciences Scholarships Earned for 2022-23

Grace Farson - N Fund Arts & Sciences Scholarship, ASC Inc Scholarship, and Robert O & Gloria O Vesper Scholarship

Ritvik Handa - N Fund Arts & Sciences Scholarship

Angeline Luther - N Fund Arts & Sciences Scholarship

Brandt Murphy - Robert O & Gloria O Vesper Scholarship

Caitlin Murphy - Carl Oscar & Hilda Johnson Scholarship

Spencer Schmidt - Ed Hirsch Scholarship

Liam Seper - Grace & Mable Souther Scholarship

Cleve Young - Sallie W. Nixon Educational Scholarship & Judith L Stewart-Gross Non-Traditional Student Scholarship

Graduate Students

Link to Ph.D. alumni

December 2022 Ph.D.:

Paula Egging, advised by George Avalos, " A Mixed Variational Formulation for the Wellposedness and Numerical Approximation of a PDE Model Arising in a 2-D Fluid-Fluid Interaction," Bryan Health


May 2023 Ph.Ds.:

Brittany Johnson, advised by Wendy Smith and Nathan Wakefield "Classroom Social Support: A Multiple Phenomenological Case Study of Mathematics Graduate Teaching Assistants' Decision Making in the Classroom"

Andrew Quaisley, advised by Susan Hermiller and Mark Brittenham "Intrinsic Tame Filling Functions and Other Refinements of Diameter Functions"

Ana Wright, advised by Mark Brittenham and Alex Zupan "Gordian Distance and Complete Alexander Neighbors"

Ash DeClerk, advised by Susan Hermiller "Prefix-Rewriting: The Falsification by Fellow Traveler Property and Practical Computations"

Jason Vander Woude. advised by Vinod Variyam and Jamie Radcliffe "Partitions of $\mathbb(R)^(n)$ with Maximal Seclusion and their Applications to Reproducible Computation"

Collin Victor, advised by Adam Larios "Enhancing Continuous Data Assimilation by Effective Observation and Assimilation"

Jacob Kettinger, advised by Brian Harbourne "On The Superabundance of Singular Varieties in Positive Characteristic" 


Master's Degree Recipients:

December 2022, MAT: Danielle Birch, Matthew Hanawalt, Sarah Kendeigh, Michelle Kelsey, Kelli Larson
May 2023, MA/MS: Sam Macdonald, Samuel James Monkman, Sara Mueller, Michael Pieper, Amanda Nicole Rowley, Petra Vanderhei
May 2023, MAT: Emily Cleveland, Meghan O'Brien
August 2023, MAT: Kelsey Erickson, Cameron Meter, Briana Janda, Sara Andersson, Linda Lucy Romero-Gutíerrez, Jennifer Christensen, Trevor Whitaker, Krystina Millius, Bailey Fitch

Awards and Fellowships

Amy Bouska GTA Leadership Award

Abbey D'Ovidio

Linda Bors Fellowships

Kaitlin Tademy

Andrew Soto

Andrew Quaisley

Awards and Fellowships (continued)

Graduate Research Fellowship for STEM Diversity (GFSD)

Kirsten Morris

Steven Haataja Award for Outstanding Exposition by a Graduate Student

Kaitlin Tademy

Ben Nolting Award

Kaitlin Tademy

Grace Chisholm Young and William Henry Young Fellowship

Meraiah Martinez

Walter Mientka Teaching Award

Dakota White

Don Miller Outstanding GTA Award

Juliann Geraci

Outstanding First Year Student

Sam Monkman

Amanda Rowley

Outstanding Qualifying Exam

Taylor Murray

Zach Nason

College of Arts and Sciences Inclusive Excellence and Diversity Award; Office of Diversity and Inclusion Promising Leader Award

Kaitlin Tademy

Emeritus Faculty Fellowship

Lawrence Seminario-Romero

2022-2023 AMS Officers

President: Isabel Safarik

Treasurer: Shah Roshan Zamir

2022-2023 Internships and Summer Schools

Audrey Goodnight, Center for Computing Sciences, Summer 2022 

Abbey D'Ovidio, NSF athematical Sciences Graduate Internship, Summer 2022

Jason Vander Woude, Sandia National Laboratories, Summer 2022

Dylan McKnight, MSRI Recent Topics in Well Posedness Taipei, Taiwan, Summer 2022

Sara McKnight, Goddard Space Flight Center, Summer 2022 (Virtual)

Emily McMillon, MSRI Topological Methods for the Discrete Mathematician, Summer 2022

Isabel Safarik, Los Alamos National Labs, Parallel Computing Summer Research Internship, Summer 2022

Kathryn Van Etten, BRIDGES (Building Relationships for an Inclusive and Diverse Group of Emerging Students) Program, June 7-10, 2022, at University of Utah; EDGE (Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education) Program Mentor, July 6-August 6, 2022, at Oxford University

Collin Victor, MSRI Recent Topics in Well Posedness Taipei, Taiwan, Summer 2022

Anh Vo, MRSI Integral Equations and Applications, Summer 2022


Publications, Talks and Posters

Johan Cristobal, Speaker: "Bridging Frames and Sociomathematical Norms" at the Northeastern Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. 

Brittany Johnson, Speaker: "Goals, Orientations, and Social Support Offered by a Mathematics Graduate Teaching Assistant," at the Research for Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, February 2023.

Michael Pieper: Speaker "Nonlocal Variational Problems," SIAM Annual Meeting. Poster "Nonlocal Optimization Problems," MAA MathFest. Poster "Nonlocal Problems in the Calculus of Variations," Banff International Station Workshop.

Abbey D'Ovidio: Talk "Lotka-Volterra Competition Models for Simulating Radiation Therapy," Joint Math Meetings 2022.

Jason Vander Woude: Publication with Peter Dixon, A. Pavan, and N. V. Vinodchandran "Pseudodeterminism: Promises and Lowerbounds," Proceedings of the 54th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2022), Rome, Italy, June 2022. 

Leilani Pai: Talk "Improper Interval Colorings of Graph Products," JMM AMS Special Session on Research from the Graduate Research Workshop in Combinatorics (GRWC)

Faculty and Staff

UNL Awards

College Distinguished Teaching Award

Josh Brummer

Applause Awards

Rachelle Jensen

National Awards

Yvonne Lai: Panelist for a briefing of the House Science, Space, & Technology Committee on Capitol Hill

Jim Lewis: Nebraska Academy of Sciences Friend of Science Award

New Postdocs

Javier Cueto

Levi Heath

Zach Norwood



Glenn Ledder: Mathematical Modeling for Epidemiology and Ecology, 2nd edition, April 2023. 

David Pitts: Characterizing Groupoid C*-algebras of NonHausdorff Etale Groupoids, October 2022. 

Brigitte Tenhumberg: Modeling pollinator and non-pollinator selection on flower color variation, Journal of Ecology 111 (4), 746-760, with Dellinger, A.S., and Smith, S.D. (2023); Temperature fluctuation alters optimal predator community composition for anticipated biological control. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2022.998396, with Laubmeier, A.N., and Tabassum, N.; Mate sampling behavior determines the density-dependence of sexual selection, The American Naturalist 200 (4), 467-485, with Watts, J.C., and Hebets, E.A.; Stabilization by adaptive feedback control for positive difference equations with applications in pest management. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization (SICON) 60 (4) 2214-2245, with Edholm, C., Guiver, C., Rebarber, R., and Townley, S. (2022).


Roger Wiegand Award

Announced at 2023 Recognition


Tom Danaher - 15 years

Marilyn Johnson - 33 years


Eloísa Grifo: NSF CAREER Award (recommended for funding)

Adam Larios: U.S. Department of Interior–Geological Survey proposal. "Improved processing and deliveryof stationary and mobile cosmic-ray neutron sensor data. Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensor (CNRS) Data Processing." PI: Trenton Franz, Co-PIs: Justin Bradley, Adam Larios. $199,703. 2023–2024; NSF Applied Math proposal. "Collaborative Research: Data Assimilation for Turbulent Flows: Dynamic Model Learning and Solution Capturing." PI: Adam Larios, Co-PI: Jared Whitehead $167,505, 2022–2025.

Wendy Smith: Human Subjects Research Ethics for Marginalized Communities, NSF conference grant for Propagating Research Ethics around Sexual Marginalization and Transgender Issues Conference (PRISMATIC) $49,998, 1/2023-12/2023; Collaborative Research: Achieving Critical Transformations in Undergraduate Programs in Mathematics (ACT UP Math); NSF ECR grant for supporting mathematics departments in equity pursuits, $1,500,00, 7/1/2022-6/30/2025; Collaborative Research: Using Networked Improvement Communities to Scale Up Program Transformation for Secondary Mathematics Teacher Preparation (NIC-Transform Scale Up), $1,837,638, 10/1/2022-9/30/2026; Collaborative Research: Practices and Research on Student Pathways in Education from Community College and Transfer Students to STEM (PROSPECT S-STEM), $1,642,742, 4/1/2022-3/31/2027


Faculty and Staff Members Serving for 0 (mod 5) Years, Awarded Fall 2022

Morgen Bills (10 years)

Yu Jin (10 Years)

Alexandra Seceleanu (10 years)

Christine Kelley (15 years)

Allan Donsig (25 years)

Bo Deng (35 years)

Previous Year